10) URGENT questions for Bourla, Bancel, Sahin (Pfizer, MODERNA, BioNTech CEOs) & Malone, Weissman, Karikó et al. (inventors of mRNA technology inside the mRNA COVID vaccines); please address these
I am asking Dr. Malone to for the first time, sit with a proper scientist and address these questions...I will be happy to ask the questions yet if you wish, get someone else; the nation awaits
1)why was the usual ‘chicken and egg’ process of vaccine manufacture not used for the COVID vaccine (using inactivated/dead or attenuated pathogen/antigen)? why was the mRNA technology (with the lipid-nano particle (LNP) molecular transport vehicle (with the toxic PEG, cationic ionizable lipids, cholesterol etc. in the LNP structure) used when it was not tested for safety and there were already reports of lack of safety etc.? When all prior studies with mRNA in vaccine and used as some form of vaccine failed. What did Malone know and when? What did Bourla know and when? What did Weissman know and when? Why were they silent?
2)why was the spike glycoprotein from the viral ball chosen as the target antigen for the immune response post COVID vaccine, when it was fully known that spike protein was toxic, an endothelial pathogen, devastating to the endothelial lining of vasculature? to the glycocalyx? We had strong evidence that spike protein alone, absent of the viral ball, purified spike, was toxic and harmful on its own. No virus ball was needed. So when did Malone know this? What did he know given his work on mRNA technology that underpins the mRNA COVID vaccine? What did Weissman know given his work on mRNA technology that underpins the mRNA COVID vaccine? What did Karikó know given her work on mRNA technology that underpins the mRNA COVID vaccine? When did they know it? What did Bourla (Pfizer CEO) know about this and when? What did Bancel (MODERNA CEO) know about this and when? What did Sahin (BioNTech CEO) know about this and when?
3)why was the spike glycoprotein from the viral ball chosen as the target antigen for the immune response post COVID vaccine, when it was fully known that the spike protein was mutagenic (mutations accumulated on the spike protein MAINLY and we see ONLY)? All the mutations that under-girded emergence of the sub-variants were manifesting on the spike protein. It is almost non-sensical and outrageous and fraught with scientific malpractice and technical incompetence that the spike protein was chose as the target antigen on which the immune response (to build vaccinal antibodies) would be based on. This one move defies logic. A Grade 9 biology student would tell you that this was and is ludicrous. Doomed to fail!
It is almost that those involved, certainly the 6 named above, knew that this COVID mRNA vaccine would be doomed to fail, would be ineffective, would drive to negative efficacy, negative effectivnesss, would be non-sterilizing out of the box (would not stop infection, replication, transmission) and would induce non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies, yet did nothing to warn the public or stop this madness. Malone, Bourla etc. must have known this would drive viral immune escape and that vaccinated persons would have become infected (as they did). Why was Malone and Bancel and Weissman and Sahin etc. silent? Were they incentivized to be? The truth is many died taking this mRNA vaccine based on their words and their silence. They must have known that mass vaccination using a non-sterilizing vaccine would place non-lethal pressure (Darwinian natural selection pressure) on the virus and drive emergence of sub-variants that were ‘fittest’ and more able to survive, become enriched in the environment, and become dominant (as they did).
4)as such, why was the spike glycoprotein from the viral ball chosen as the target antigen for the immune response post COVID vaccine, when other ‘CONSERVED’ protein antigen targets (that did not change/mutate readily replication to replication) existed e.g. the nucleocapsid protein? It stands to reason that to bypass conserved proteins as target antigens for the vaccine (in inducing the immune response) was a deliberate step to doom the vaccine out of the box, and it did!
5)Why was Malone, Weissman, Karikó, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. silent on mRNA reverse transcribing back to DNA? They knew this was a distinct possibility. What did they know and when did they know it? Who incentivized them to be silent yet this silence led to tens of thousands of deaths as people took the vaccine.
6)Why was Malone, Weissman, Karikó, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. silent on the vaccine, its content, mRNA, spike protein (and fragments, sub-units) not staying at the injection site (bolus remaining at deltoid draining to the local lymph drainage nodes in the axilla/armpit) when they always knew the mere fact it (mRNA) was encased within the LNP complex meant it was devised to go ALL OVER the body, in hard to reach places. Why? Malone knew this that it must cross the blood-brain barrier, the blood-lung barrier etc. yet was silent and his research in 1989 etc. was on this…why the silence? Who incentivized them to be silent yet this silence led to tens of thousands of deaths as people took the vaccine.
7)What did Malone, Weissman, Karikó, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. know about possible damage to mitochondria? The DNA plasmid role in this disaster? The SV40 role in this disaster? When?
8)Why was Malone, Weissman, Karikó, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. silent on the vaccine, its content, mRNA, spike protein (and fragments, sub-units) persisting for long durations, likely the rest of the vaccinee’s life? We know that the CDC etc. lied to us that the vaccine and content and spike etc. dissolved soon after use e.g. one-off use. So why was Malone and Bourla silent when they knew it would persist? What did Malone and Bourla and Bancel and Weissman know about ‘frame-shifting’ and the ribosome/Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum complex coding for nonsense proteins, and the damage to the ‘off-switch’ codons that would turn off protein translation/synthesis? They must have known that you would produce spike protein the rest of your life as the ‘off-switch (molecular genetic) was now gone. They must have known that your immune system would be overwhelmed with spike protein produced 24/7 in all your cells and that your immune system would then not be able to (immune exhaustion and overload) respond to other (potentially benigh or more serious pathogen that your immune system normally handles effortlessly via an innate immune 1st line response or acquired/adaptive 2nd line response) pathogen, geared and fixated on relentless ‘foreign ‘non-self’ spike protein being produced.
9)Did Malone, Weissman, Karikó, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. know of the harms that the mRNA vaccine would cause and why were they silent? What did they know and when? Were they incentivized to remain silent?
10)When these people promoted the vaccine and there is evidence throughout that they did, and they already knew it was harmful to the point that it should have been stopped, how and when will they be held accountable?
Death as intended 😔
...would be non-sterilizing out of the box (would not stop infection, replication, transmission) and would induce non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies...
It might not stop the virus replicating; however, it does stop the host from replicating. Maybe Bob just wants more real estate for his horses, without pesky humans getting in the way.