12 LIES underpinning this 95% false-positive ‘PCR-manufactured’ fake, ‘asymptomatic transmission lie’ COVID pandemic; this was NEVER a pandemic!: 1)100% lie about asymptomatic spread 2) the lie about
recurrent infection pre-Omicron etc. (even that) 3)lie about inferior natural immunity to vaccine induced immunity 4)the lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed 5)lie that lockdowns work
6)lie that masks (surgical and cloth masks) work to curb transission of a viral respiratory pathogen 7)lie that this was a pandemic for it never was 8)lie that the PCR ‘process’ (we know to be 95% false-positive above 30 cycles) was detecting culturable, infectious, lethal pathogen above 24 cycles 9)lie that mRNA technology that underpins mRNA COVID vaccines was safe and needed 10) lie that COVID mRNA vaccines were ‘safe and effective’ when no study even up to today, no randomized controlled trial, no proper trustworthy science, none, has shown these vaccines to be effective or even safe, not one! Not one study, no data, no credible data, has shown that they ever curbed hospitilization or ICU or death, in adults or children! Not one! 11)the lie that you could stop spread of an infectious pathogen by closing borders and quarantining, when the pathogen of concern has an animal reservoir and has already been spreading withing the borders 12)the lie that you could conduct mass testing of asymptomatic persons to be of any benefit
100% lies, lies, and more damn lies!
All of COVID was a fraud, a lie!
This was a 95% false-positive ‘PCR-manufactured’ fake ‘asymptomatic transmission lie’ non-pandemic
I will complete the list later. The 12 are not exhaustive.
Doc A...check out Dr. David Cartland on X (@CartlandDavid). He POSTED this too...in regards to NEW CDC docs...
"Dr David Cartland x.com/CartlandDavid 7h
“Unbelievable! New CDC document shows that PCR tests for vaccinated people will use a 28 cycle threshold.
The CDC guidelines set a 40+ cycle threshold to inflate the Covid-19 statistics. A 40 cycle threshold produces a 97% false positive rate.
Lowering the PCR cycle threshold for vaccinated people is a massive fraud to make it look like the vaccines are working.”
Sometimes there are the simplest of explanations. Given the PCR test was set in many cases above 40 cycles, it was deliberately designed to provide 80-90% (depending upon the location) positive result for what they called Covid. Recall that some people, even with Covid symptoms, tested negative, and some people with no symptoms tested positive. In all likelihood this happened to us or someone we know. So the PCR test didn't NEED to be accurate, it just needed to produce pseudo evidence overwhelming enough to support the CRIME. Who was checking the accuracy of the PCR tests?
Add to that the actual nasal swab which was very questionably applied and the mandated use of filthy masks, it doesn't take much to figure that the result would be when you stopped people from going anywhere or doing anything. Now we have the benefit of hindsight, this plan is obvious to anyone paying attention. What has transpired to all humanity is truly the most EVIL crime of the millennia.