2 men, same problem: POTUS TRUMP (aka '45') & Robert Kennedy Jr.: both of these men (& there may be a similar woman or 2 out there) but of these 2 UNIQUE men, BOTH can/will be shot dead potentially IF
they WIN, move to do what we know NEEDS to be done to save and fix America...if they move to burn it down; both men can be killed by DEMOCRATS, leftists, socialists, RINOs, 2 men, same problem...
this is why the VP pick is so critical for both men for the VP may well be finishing off the stint;
2 men, same problem, they may be killed if they get the prize of Presidency…again, this is why their VP pick was and is so important, they may not get to the end…3 Kennedys died who were and would have been likely POTUSs…hhhmmm, did I just say that too about John Jr.? I will not like to be the insurance company insuring the life of Bobby Jr. and know what his premium must be to deal with that risk, this is why a hat tip is in order for he is showing big stones…
Trump, aka 45, IMO the best and ONLY option we have, based on all I know, as seen in how they work to expose him with each court appearance, is maybe walking to his death with Presidency, I think he understands the gravity of this now, he knows this….that if America falls now, the world falls, if the 2nd falls, radical jihadist islam will move on USA and the world…it is the 2nd that hold the wall still…45 knows that if Democrats win in November, USA can be lost…yes, we survived the 60s with massive unrest and killing of 4 key players John Kennedy POTUS, Bobby Kennedy AG, Martin Luther King, conservative civil rights leaders, and Malcolm X…we survived the peace and love drop out not in Mescaline psychedelic era of angel dust, PCP etc. the madness of Timothy Francis Leary, William Moses Kunstler etc. We survived Viet Nam, agent Orange, the flame thrower and My Lai massacre…we survived a decade when America was being torn apart, we survived the devastation of the Lyndon Bains Johnson stint at POTUS when Kennedy was killed, and Johnson’s move to destroy America with his Immigration Act 1965 (with Ted Kennedy riding shotgun) and The Great Society that decimated blacks that still to today, they cannot recover fully from. We struggle still with the Democrat slave plantation, aka the Democrat party that shackles blacks and punishes them if they try to leave.
We survived all of that in one decade of the 60s, yet I am afraid we cannot survive another Obama-Biden like Presidency. Obama runs Biden’s Presidency.
Barak Obama remains America’s greatest enemy with Paul Ryan…both fucked America in devastating ways, one Islamized USA and began a hollowing out, one destroyed the first 2 years of a sitting POTUS, pretending to be a republican conservative and Speaker, he was pure Manchurian.
Without question, no uncertainty, Obama’s cabinet and their activities can be viewed as legally treasonous. Obama and his team were treasonous. Good news is that there is no statute of limitations on the crime of treason. I would remind all POTUSs, remember that. Including those serving in the current Biden administration.
Obama is and was special and he continues to undercut and destroy America using tactics with Biden of Cloward & Piven, Weather Underground, his black and brown shirts and red brigade like Mussolini’s Blackshirts, Mao’s red army, and Hitler’s brown shirts. Obama’s BLM and antifa…two groups that must be put down by Trump. Properly.
Obama-Biden is doing what the islamists are doing, jihad by immigration…Biden is waging Holy War on America with jihad by immigration, by illegal immigration, invading America in our face…20,000 illegal rapists he is letting in daily, 14 million by November, 4 million ‘gotaways’, in USA now, we do not know names or where they are….among them so far 500 hard core muslim islamic North African and Middle Eastern terrorists who say they coming to cut lawns…not to gang rape with the Latino military aged ones, as they did across Merkel’s Europe, not to stab our girls in their vaginas and pound nails into their genitals, as they did in Israel and Bataclan France, no no, no, just to cut lawns…and make kabobs for us…not to bomb us, but make kabobs…, murderers, leeches, uneducated, non-English speaking, Latino, Southern border, jihadists, islamists, military-aged males daily, Chinese too, unvetted, no checks for medical issues, infections…Biden is hollowing out America…as we speak, and Congress Speaker Mike Johnson plots with Paul Ryan to fuck Trump again.
SON OF A BITCH AND TREATED AS SUCH- ( this is applicable for anyone else in the club)
Well said Dr. Alexander
The one thing that baffles me is, don’t theses people in our government that think they are going to be part of this new world order realize that they are going to be the first ones taken out back and shot dead.
They are truly the useful idiots and they don’t even know it.