'22-Year-Old Ex-Premier League Star Forced to Retire Early Due to Myocarditis'; we again call on Malone, Kariko, Sahin, Weissman, Bourla, Bancel, Francis Collins, Fauci et al. to answer key questions
Is it normal for a 22-year old to retire from soccer? think carefully about this in the era of COVID vaccine; issue is they brought death & know it, mRNA technology (modified or not) was deadly
‘Lars Dendoncker, a former Premier League star and Belgian professional footballer, revealed his early retirement from football at 22.’
‘Citing a diagnosed heart condition, Dendoncker has opted to prioritize his health over his passion and illustrious career in professional football.
The Department of Defense and the BARDA have called the shots on the "COVID vaccine"-- We discussed this with Sasha Latypova recently. It is painful but essential that we face that the US government (as with so many national governments worldwide) have turned against their own citizens. We have been betrayed and we must buck up and face it and figure out how to regain control of our government, and ultimately our lives. Until then we will continue to see forced exposure to toxic, deadly bioweapons and disrupted lives. Never give up! https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/department-of-defense-and-barda-call
Parents pay attention https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12349357/Kids-pay-Americas-growing-anti-vaxx-movement-One-SIX-toddlers-not-routine-school-vaccinations-one-10-havent-single-shot.html