35-year-old three-time Olympian winner dies unexpectedly; Cuba’s most successful rower of all time, Angel Fournier Rodriguez, died unexpectedly on Thursday, March 16; is it the COVID gene injection?
are we allowed to even ask? did he die of silent myocarditis? should we know his vaccine status? is this another case of 'DIED SUDDENLY'?
My sense:
I think that unless we are told that he did not take the shot (s), then vaccine as cause must be on the table. It is very difficult for a 35 year old healthy person to suddenly just die. There is just too much of this to not be suspicious of the death shot. These mRNA technology gene shots should have never ever been brought in the first place and they failed out of the gate and the mRNA and LNP technologies were always toxic and dangerous. We pay the price now and I fear Angel just did.
Just this note to say thanks. You're doing God's work encouraging the rest of us to stay in the fight. Just talked to an injured AA buddy tonight who bought the hype, drank the koolaid, been diagnosed with immune system failure of unknown origin. Double vaxxed. Won't hear it. See ya, is all I can say.
A 35 yr old sports figure dying suddenly would have been shocking news prior to 2021. Magnificently fit athletes in the prime of life die suddenly if they are in a car accident, shot by a gun, drown, drug overdose, plane crash, etc. PEOPLE LIKE THAT DON'T JUST FALL OVER DEAD FOR NO REASON. Our media and our medical establishments have failed us. They should be reporting on this with the same vigor and desire to find the truth as Dr. Alexander and his heroic colleagues. That they aren't while massive injuries and deaths take place makes it difficult not to conclude that it is intentional.