4 year old child beheaded in Trinidad, witness say heard man who is suspect 'chanting' praying of sorts before doing this! Question: which religion does this kind of thing? which feral 6th century
medieval animals do these kind of things? I warn you again, Biden & Obama have flooded USA, Trudeau Canada, with these radical extremists, unvetted, killers, illegals, like how Merkel did Europe
Bring back he hangman in Trinidad and Tobaga and hang en masse. Death by firing squad too…bring back the hangman in all nations where the criminal element commit these crimes, in USA, in Canada, UK wherever.
The radical extremist beast must be exterminated from the face of the earth.
Know your 2nd amendment, know you gun rights, know how to shoot to kill when life is in imminent threat, know how to defend yourself, especially our females, especially the blond girls, and blue eyed for the islamist beast seeks them out FIRST…she is their prize…twisted as it may be…to rape…as they did across Europe….
America is on the verge of being the rape capital of North America, of the civilized world…and its own Bataclan due to Biden and Obama…
for among us, the wolf is here due to Obama and Biden and yes,the medieval 6th century untermensche beelzebub…Obama runs Biden’s Presidency…Biden cannot even find his dentures on a good day…we are in crisis what these people are doing, a POTUS invading his own nation….with killers, unvetted….we cannot survive another democrat President term…America will be over. and Trump, or someone like Trump must move to close the borders on America for 10 years on being sworn in and at the same time deport every single illegal who entered into America the last 20 to 30 years, man, woman, and child and if child sf adult now…those under 16 we will decide on special dispensation if born in USA…but each person must be deported and you apply in the embassy in your shit hole hell hole nations you came from…if you committed no murder, no rape, no pedophilia and you were born in USA, you must be allowed re-entry…but every single person must be deported who entered USA illegally…and if you came via illegal parents, so born on US soil, then committed murder, rape etc., you must be removed and never to set foot on US soil again…
a nation is defined by its borders and the rule of law.
POTUS Trump, over to you, your move next.
This is how police officers described the scene at Fifth Street, Five rivers, Arouca on Monday night where a four-year-old was beheaded.
Police said the child, Amarah Lallitte four years had her neck sawed off with a knife by a 39-year-old man who is now in police custody.
Police said at about 10.10 pm on Monday the child’s mother visited the Arouca Police Station with her clothes tattered seeking help. Officers who took her information escorted her to her home where the body of the child was found in one of the bedrooms and her head in a barrel.
Police said the child was killed in one of the two bedrooms and then her body placed in another and her head at another location.
Snr Supt Richard Smith told Guardian Media that his officers, on seeing the gruesome discovery, broke down and cried with some now needing counselling.
One neighbour, Eshana Mohammad said the child would sometimes come to her home and play with her teenage daughter and little cousin.
She recalled hearing the man “chanting” before the discovery was made.’
Man detained after child beheaded in Arouca - Trinidad Guardian
I hope this person who did this to this 4 year old child is dehumanized…we must become the animal to teach them a lesson, we must do them unspeakable things to show them and we must do it…and to all connected to the animal who had a role…all…we find them, we brutalize them, we torture them…we don’t stop.
It seems to me that we take the murderer into a public square... place a car tire around his neck....fill it with gas.... and set it on fire (aka a South Africa Necktie). Once the murderer is cooked...leave his body there as a reminder. Heinous Evil must be met with righteous anger....Pax
GOD grant her peace with you in Heaven. Let her soul rest in the sweet loving arms of Jesus. 🙏