A President was lied to, misled, POTUS Trump wad lied to by Bourla, Malone, Bancel, Weissman, Kariko, Sahin et al. & when I say courts must examine them & if shown they killed people, then we hang
them, if tribunals, courts, juries, allow proper examination and trials and find that Malone, Bourla, Bancel (Moderna), Sahin, Kariko et al. caused deaths by the mRNA technology & vaccine, HANG them!
If courts…only courts and judges and juries…then if they call for death penalty, then impose death penalty on Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman et al.
I will donate rope and wood if the judges have no money.
We need Nuremberg 2.0.
I will want anyone hung, in Trump, Biden administration, who caused death, millions of medical doctors too, if judges and juries say hang them, then hang them all! Not me, judges and juries. Even my freinds, I do not care, if you killed, you must pay! It was greed, money, ego, hubris, power…so we examine it.
Hang them high!
Let us NOT forget one of the Kingpins of this whole Travesty! We talk about Malone, Bourla, Bancel (Moderna), Sahin, Kariko et al. caused deaths by the mRNA technology & vaccine, But there is one who continues even as we speak, placing poisons in the Skies to future damage our lives and way of life. His name is William Gates. Why is this Murderous Evil man's name not included? He was, is and is planning to increase his killing of human life. He has used everything from injectables to spraying the skies with poisons to kill humans. He has and continues to speak of how we need to erode humans from the earth. A person who murders one person faces judgement. Why does someone like him get so overlooked????
Yes he was. However what is his excuse now? Still claiming his covid response was 💯 correct and his jab that has maimed millions and now figures are coming out it may have murdered millions. His unwillingness to confront the truth on his covid response, his jab and HIS people - Fauci, Birx lied to him disqualify him to be president again. We need someone e that sees the reality of the situation not someone that is constantly pumping his ego.