Abnormal uterine bleeding, vaginal bleeding following COVID mRNA gene based injection? Trogstad et al.: YES! Medical doctors, health agencies like CDC & Health Canada, FDA remained silent!
Science is very clear that COVID vaccines damage the reproductive system of women (including young girls with bleeding) yet why has it been allowed to continue? Excluded from registrational studies...
Among women aged 18–30 years in Oslo, Norway.
‘3972 women aged 18–30 years, participating in the population-based Norwegian Young Adult Cohort…
examined the occurrence of menstrual disturbances (heavier bleeding than usual, prolonged bleeding, shorter interval between menstruations, longer interval between menstruations, spot bleedings, stronger pain during menstruation, period pain without bleeding) before and after the first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.’
Researchers reported that ‘the prevalence of any menstrual disturbance was 36.7 % in the last menstrual cycle prior the first vaccine dose.
The RR (relative risk) for heavier bleeding than usual was 1.90 (95 % CI: 1.69–2.13) after the first vaccine dose and 1.84 (95 % CI 1.66–2.03) after the second dose.
Increased risks of prolonged bleeding, shorter interval between menstruations, and stronger pain during menstruation were also observed after both doses. The RRs did not differ with vaccine brand, contraception/hormone use, or presence of gynecological condition(s) for any of the menstrual disturbances.’
The goal is to reduce and destroy fertility. Population of white western nations declining while importing foreigners to replace and did not have the same pressure to take experimental injections. Great Reset / New World Order.
Why is it always the women suffering? Anything going on with men?