AJR, a subscriber to my stack on Trump (45) willing to go to jail now than be gagged by the crooked judge violating all his rights, wrote the following & key is the danger we face from INSIDE THE
HOUSE, yes the call is coming from inside the house, we have enemies WITHIN, Obama is one, leading the hollowing out, not Biden, he is senile, 'military aged men, islamic, Chinese, inside USA, why?
Why did Obama and Biden work so concertedly to INVADE America for that is what Obama and Biden did, they invaded America…
look, you may not like Trump but we need someone at the least who is not trying to destroy USA, just sit to fuck here and we the people this rounds will handle business…we will school him and hold his feet else his legacy is dead…we will destroy it. and he does not want that…he has to do what we want, we the people and I believe 100% he is a good man…but if not capable POTUS Trump, its ok, to me, its ok, just stfu and sit to fuck down…and I am being humble enough here…we are angry for USA is circling the drain….we need someone to take the wheel who at least is not running us off the road…we will do the rest behind you…if it is we are flying the plane as we building wings, so be it…we will fly the fucking plane with no wings even and this time, if you bring sycophants losers around you, we will call them out and see to it you remove them day one…this time Sir, you get a second look at bat but you be working for us! No more Kanye and those losers up in the Towers, this aint no fucking Apprentice…this aint no game…we want you at bat but this time PROPER…no mistakes. Had there been someone like you, similar, capable, checked your boxes, I would have worked to get them there, not you, for there were bad mistakes but I know you, you are a good man and they fucked you in DC…I, we don’t hate you, we actually stand with you…but some of those decisions were not good optimally for USA…from March 2020 onwards…lockdowns and vaccine hurt us bad…and we big mad….but we do not have any good option and I think you are the ONLY option…now…
so we do not have that so you are it…the music is slowing and you will get the main chair, you made mistakes at bat stint one for they fucked you and deceived you and you were not up on things as to DC and the ways…now you know…now no more games…we want punishment, malice, retribution, vengeance as you fix, day 1…close borders, deport all illegals last 30 years, border closed for ‘a season’…close at least 10 government agencies and fire half of the federal workforce…fire 1000 down in each federal agency…I would outright close some…e.g. I would close the FBI permanently…those kinds of steps. reverse LIABILITY Protection under PREP so we go after Fauci et al. Victim compensation fund for those harmed lockdowns and vaccine…see to it we investigate fully the Malones, Bourlas, Bancels, Faucis, Birx, Hahns, Azars, Walenskys, Jhas etc. of the world…all of them for if any crimes in COVID and vaccine…we want full answers and justice, jail and or execution if judges and juries call for it…
Start AJR here:
Has America ever witnessed anything and I mean anything like what’s happening to President Trump?
I certainly haven’t. When we connect the dots, a grime picture appears.
Covid was a test. A test to see how many people would comply.
Tyranny: a nation under cruel and oppressive government!
Is this not what’s happening? Are we not under a cruel and oppressive regime? Yes, we are!
This is how nations collapse. I believe what makes this more detrimental is how this started.
1. Covid lockdowns.
2. Border Invasion.
3. Initiated multiple wars.
4. Steal / Quantitative easing.
5. Cowards Retreat.
6. Bioweapon Injections.
Recently, the former Brazil’s President did a “X-Cast” with some 100K followers / listeners.
His final message, the only way to stop tyranny is for people around the world to fight back! I’m paraphrasing, but you get the point.
I don’t believe many people are fighting back, some yes, not many!
How quickly we forget about all the videos of thousands of people who “Died Suddenly”.
Is this how, the government’s within the Western World, collapse societies? Sounds like a really good plan now doesn’t it? Yes, I think so.
Are people who lined up, rolled up their sleeves for an UNKNOWN / UNTESTED / UNPROVEN injection will be eliminated or worse controlled?
Personally, I’d much rather “Die Suddenly” than “Be Controlled”, my question is, is this the final nail in the proverbial coffin? Is this how the “Globalist” deal with remaining people?
Are America’s borders being overrun with military age men to control the masses when the SHIT HITS THE FAN? Because don’t think it won’t!
Look, when students can shout “Death to America” inside America, all I can say is, “America WE HAVE A PROBLEM”!
Forget Houston! This is America I’m talking about!
Nobody can look me or anyone in the eye and say, “Oh they’ve made some mistakes”, give them a chance! BS!
This is by design and for one reason only, to destroy America, destroy capitalism and usher in the “One World Order” we’ve all heard about! That’s it, this is why!
How do we stop this? Or, is it too late? Is this why I ask again, thousands of military age men have entered our borders illegally and nobody knows where they are?
Naomi Wolfes husband I believe, is researching this issue and is planning on a documentary. My concern is, by the time he’s done with his research, it will be too late!
He already got Chace’s out of one location south of Boston Mass I’m aware of. His hearts in the right place, but again, is his research too late to stop the onslaught of “illegal military men”?
It’s quite apparent how very well planned and organized those who seek to destroy America and the Western World are! They’ve thought of everything now haven’t they? While “We The People” went to work to pay our taxes and our bills.
If history has taught us anything it’s this, “Don’t Rest On Your Laurel’s”! There isn’t any contingency plan, we haven’t any plan if you ask me, why would we? We all trusted our government now didn’t we?
And all the while, our government was planning our “future demise”!
I pray these “evil tyrants” awake a sleeping giant, I just haven’t seen anyone awake except for the “Evil Tyrants”!
Because “Tyrants” never sleep!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Again, reading the comments it is clear that these sorts of stacks hurt Trump and help the far left wing pro abortion, pro socialized medicine, pro transitioning children rfk Jr.
The key is that rfk really has no chance of winning. Voting for him hurts Trump and helps Biden. So for those supporting rfk, get ready for 4 more years of obama/Biden.