Arab child dies & Israeli child dies, is it the same thing? Is there same pain? You damn right it is & when I wrote I would stand alongside casket of an Israeli child as I would an arab child, some of
you went nuts, getting the vapors & cluthching your pearls and fish nets! The hate this Hamas-Israeli war has shown is frightening & for children, I mean 1, 2, 4, 5 year olds & I stand by what I said!
I do not mean the young person who spent many years in the masjid (mosque) being taught hate and preached hate all day long, hate the Christian, hate the non-believer infidel, hate the Jews…no no no, I mean little children, who end up as casualties of war, collaterol damage when their minds are pure, clean and not yet destroyed with hate…not yet taught to hate…I feel the same of an arab child as I do an Israeli child, so much hope, possibility…
so those of you who threatened to unsubscribe, to not follow my stack anymore because I say the arab and Israeli child is same and I will feel pain if either is harmed, you go right ahead. At least I have an opinion and can stand by it. The problem is our minds are full of so much hate now, we cannot even think clearly. COVID actually broke our minds, for 3 years of hurting each other over insane lockdown lunatic COVID policies that tore us apart as familes, friends, co-workers, societies etc.
That is a Doctor's heart you are expressing. One of caring and compassion regardless of race, religion, or ideology. Thank God for people who still have a sound mind and a right spirit. God Bless You and Your Family.
Yes civilian losses said on both sides. Anyone who thinks it's okay or funny that the other side's children die has a mental problem.