Assassinate Trump is the quest of left; Pushing for someone to take a shot at POTUS Trump, that is what the RADICAL left is doing to their lunatic base, amping them up with the political prosecution
of Trump, like what they did with Scalise, saying crazy sh*t until some whacko leftist took a shot, same with Trump; left, democrats, deepstate cabal taking him to court houses with lots of confusion
These beasts want him in prison or better yet for them, they want him dead and they know by using the legal system with the bogus political prosecution charges and bullshit prosecution, where they are trying to take out their opponent, they know all the confusion around the court houses with so much exposure, that some crazy democrat nutjob will take a shot, they know what they are doing..these DAs and AGs are being used to help try to assassinate Trump…I warn you, it is easy to see, we need to pray and help protect POTUS Trump…they are doing all they could to take him out and make him weak and vulnerable to crazies with these court house trips, no one is ever to know where a POTUS is going to be and here they are doing it so that crazies know…forcing him to make these court house trips….we have to help him back into power so that we can ensure all of these malfeasants are imprisoned and punished harshly…
Sadly, I can’t disagree with your opinion.
President Trump needs We The People’s Prayers! He also needs a PRIVATE Secret Security Force to keep the U.S. Secret Service in check! President Trump should NOT be going to any Courthouses in PERSON, that’s what his attorneys are for and why we have Zoom Web Conferencing! DTA! DON’t TRUST ANYONE!