VIRUSES MUTATE! That is their way of surviving. Humans survive by having an effective immune system that WORKS! mRNA injections interfere with the Immune systems ability to protect the body from viral invasions. This is BAD SCIENCE from day one and they are still spoon feeding huamanity this pseudo science. The PR firm that created the slogan "Follow the Science" should be closed for being a tool of Big Pharma!

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That's why they had to rush the testing with 8 mice. Those mice are more manly than Facui.

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Per the COVID-19 informed consent form the experimental C19 vaccine did NOT provide any kind of immunity and did it NOT prevent transmission but recipients did have to idemnify everyone involved with the vaccine in the event you are injured or died from the experimental vaccine which many did and you can see here at https://openvaers.com. I don't believe they were working on viral gain of function but on vaccine gain of function to maim and kill. The entire pandemic is a LIE to deceive many to take the experimental vaccines so Big Pharma can get filthy rich and powerful with the help of the media, local ,state and federal government and the medical establishment.

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What if the mRNA From the vaccine is persisting in peoples bodies in generating spike protein. And also these vaccines are creating selection pressure. Then if these vaxxed and boosted people Get additional shots they’re going to drive further infectious variance have antibody dependent enhancement and because of original antigenic sin even more people could be harmed and killed

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Fauci was asked if he's concerned it want tested on humans, his answer says it all, "No I'm not concerned about that" What a psychopath he is.

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Which agencies or companies were involved in identifying the variants? CDC or major hospitals? I suspect nobody is doing it consistently throughout the last two and half years.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

The vaccine is made by the Globalists to kill and maim. What immunity did it ever give against a virus that causes statistically no death? Your point is valid, it will be even more worthless but

It is time we pivot from "anti vax" to "anti Globalist Totalitarian Democide" and stay on that 100 percent. We do not face a fight Dems vs Rep we face a fight against Globalists vs National and personal freedom.


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Can maybe see better here: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions

To the extent one can believe the source…

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Covid...the spike protein, attack and destroy the immune system.

The shots are not just useless, they're deadly.

It's like trying to sell a shot for cancer or aids...that actually gives you cancer and aids.

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Of course. Just like the other shots only recognized the original strain. So not effective, or needed then, not effective or needed now.

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You can't vacinate into a viral pandemic.

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I don't get it. According to this graph, the most common current variant, BA.5.2.1, is more than 25% of the cases, and BA.4.6 is only 6.29%. Why would BA 4.6 become dominate?

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"...we will end up in the same place we are in now, where a sub-optimal non-neutralizing injection drives infectious variants and the vaccinated will become infected and transmit..."

Could any well informed person doubt atvthis point that this IS the intent? Fauci knows how viruses behave. What are the odds that he would not know that a leaky vaccine given during an outbreak pressures mutations to replace the former dominant strain? "Oh, what a surprise!!! We didn't realize that mutations would happen. Look,over there. Blame the unjabbed! THEIR FAUKT! Pandemic of the UNVACCINATED!!!!!"

Fauci knew. Fauci lied! People died! Worldwide!

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And it is absolutely forseeable. It is a scam and murder all the way. Shame on anyone, who jabs.

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They are using every tool to increase the death count, regardless of what the Health Officers and the MSM says. It's genocide.

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A link to that page would be wonderful.

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