BABY KILLERS: Health Canada KILLER officials Now Recommends TWO doses of mRNA Biowepon to Babies; Also: CDC Data Shows the Infant Mortality Rate Increased for the First Time in 20 Years in 2022,
Experts are Baffled'; LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY BOOM, over the target, dropping haymakers, MOABS on them, striking fear for now deep into enemy territory; baby killers Sharma, Njoo, Tam
‘Health Canada is doing precisely what it was created to do - POPULATION CONTROL.
Health Canada: “Children between six months and four years of age should receive two doses if they have not previously been vaccinated.”
CDC Data Shows the Infant Mortality Rate Increased for the First Time in 20 Years in 2022, Experts are Baffled
"This is the first we've seen this rate go up in about two decades. More deep dive and drill down will be needed to understand the reasons...There's a bigger story here tied to maternal health...Maternal health and infant health are intertwined. The data from the CDC actually indicates that maternal complications at birth have also gone up...It's still early, though, to say if this is a blip or is this something larger here at play."
Never comply with a government directive to kill or harm your offspring.
Thank you for sharing, Dr. Paul! 🙏🙏🙏