Back Bay to Nubian Square: 2 miles & a 23-year life expectancy gap; life expectancy is 92 years for residents in a section of the Back Bay. Near Nubian Square in Roxbury life expectancy less than 69
The 2 neighborhoods are vastly different; The median household income of the census tract within Roxbury is $42,211, versus $141,250 in the Back Bay tract. Rates of homeownership is 2 x in Back Bay
‘In Boston, a two-mile difference in where you live may mean a 23-year difference in life expectancy.
That startling analysis from the Boston Public Health Commission shows the longest average life expectancy is nearly 92 years, for residents in a section of the Back Bay. Residents near Nubian Square in Roxbury have the shortest expected life span, just under 69 years.’
‘A vast majority, some 91%, of Back Bay residents over the age of 25 have a college degree, compared to 44% in Roxbury. And 82% of residents in the Back Bay tract are white, while 87% in the Roxbury tract are people of color, predominantly Black or Latinx, the report said.
All of these factors play a role in life expectancy. Ojikutu said the stress of trying to live on low wages and combat racism, sometimes in substandard housing while not feeling safe, erodes health.
“Chronic stress leads to higher blood pressure and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease,” said Ojikutu. Chronic stress can also increase levels of the hormone cortisol, which can “increase your risk of weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.
"I think all of these things are interconnected,” she said.’
"The stress of combating racism"? Like whites don't experience that? How about the stress and burden of subsidizing the ever-growing Thug Nation? How about the "stress" of living in a community of thugs and gangsters? Whizzing bullets can shorten one's lifespan a wee bit.
I went to graduate school in the Back Bay and ended up living in the Boston area for nearly 30 years.
I can tell you -- and you already know -- that the most vociferous supporters of the Covid® criminal operation were those described by those Back Bay demographics. All about "equality," "justice," "equity," "diversity," and all the rest of that crap. This crime -- it was obvious -- would overwhelmingly devastate communities like Roxbury -- and all those in the income brackets like Roxbury's.
To a person -- at least in my circle (and I knew a lot of people) -- they didn't give a rat's ass about the impact of this government crime on people least able to withstand it. "It's just 15 days, Kathleen..." Yeah. Right. It's still a G-damned crime and it's going to hurt the most vulnerable, you sanctimonious a-holes.
Sorry. Still not over it.