Ben Shapiro on Russel Brand, make of it what you wish; yes he was a sex addict in his earlier life, but from all I see, he changed his life and became meaningful to society; his past life, I cant
comment for I don't know him, but only when he started to hurt the left and the COVID lunacy & vaccine, have they greased their knives for him...if he did crime, he must pay but is that this here?
Let us get all the facts please…understand the background and what is at stake for those likely behind this…
If there is credible rape and forced abuse etc. then there is to be accountability and there should be no statute of limitations, but let us know the facts please.
This is not about Russel Brand. It is about freedom of speech and commerce. Making it about Russel Brand covers up the real threat. Government. Rule by force. The use of character assassination by ruling forces.
And the use of sexual allegations by those who are the ones we need to worry about in that account.
The sexual abuse of children by the ruling class is so evident as to be common knowledge. No this is not about Brand.
This is about all humans in planet earth. Rank abuse of power.
He’s controlled opposition