Best thing that could happen for America was removing Speaker McCarthy, he headed the UNIPARTY now, we were going nowhere FAST with him; Gaetz deserves praise! Trump-Gaetz ticket, Jim Jordan Speaker,
Kennedy heading HHS to help imprison all heads and employees of CDC, NIH, FDA who did COVID...and the vaccine people, all of them....JORDAN SCHACHTEL agrees (see his good substack)
Last night, Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) made good on his promise to introduce a motion to vacate the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy. Today, McCarthy is Speaker no more (for now at least).
Rep. Gaetz wasn’t supposed to do that!
Part of the reason why D.C. world is so up in arms this evening is that they were genuinely caught way off guard by the Gaetz motion. They thought it was a bluff.
But they shouldn’t have been. Gaetz has been threatening to depose McCarthy for weeks, if not months, citing his empty promises and failure to act as a leader of a true opposition party. The last straw reportedly involved McCarthy making a secret deal with the Democrats to continue funding the war in Ukraine.
[Gaetz: “I take no lecture on asking patriotic Americans to weigh in and contribute to this fight from those who would grovel and bend knee for the lobbyists and special interests who own our leadership”
*Reps boo Gaetz*
“Gaetz: Oh boo all you want. You have hollowed out this town and have borrowed against the future of our future generations.”]
You see, people in D.C. aren’t supposed to actually back their promises with actions.
Republican defenders of the current “opposition” regime in place claimed that Republicans in office were accomplishing political victories for conservatives.
So what exactly have they accomplished, you ask?
Well, you know, the thing! And that other thing! And lots of strong statements about Hunter Biden!
Meanwhile, on all of the major issues, the Uniparty is winning. The southern border remains wide open, the Biden Administration remains entirely unaccountable to the legislative branch, the Slava Slush Fund continues unabated, and the list goes on.
McCarthy’s tenure, like that of his GOP predecessors in John Boehner and Paul Ryan, has thus far been full of empty promises. So Gaetz decided it was time to let it rip and sow some chaos and disorder.
Also, it’s worth noting that it’s not worth taking this situation too seriously. Please don’t invest too much emotional energy in this.
As the popular unattributed saying goes, Washington, D.C. really is Hollywood for ugly people. Nothing pumps up these animals more than caking on a chock-full of makeup, finding the nearest TV camera, and proceeding to hoot and holler about the merits of the latest Current Thing, which inevitably involves attempting to chip away at our personal freedoms and livelihoods.
Meanwhile, they quietly continue mortgaging the next generation’s wealth through the passing of government funding bills that rack up multi trillion dollar annual deficits.
The reality we face today is a D.C. almost entirely controlled by the Uniparty. By a rough estimation, around 97% of Democrats and 85% of Republicans are slavishly devoted to the Uniparty. They will happily sell their constituents down the river, and even their own souls, to become part of The Club.
So if Matt Gaetz has become the proverbial bull in a china shop, he deserves credit for sending congress into absolute chaos. Sometimes it’s worth stirring the pot in order to elevate issues of consequence to Americans, and further expose the corruption and deceit of the Washington class.
It’s fair to talk shop about strategy and tactics and the like, and to come to the conclusion that this move might be unwise. However, the freedom movement is so badly outnumbered in the halls of power. As my friend Daniel Horowitz of The Blaze likes to say, “we are the real RINOs” in this fight. So it might be better to support those who chip away at the carefully crafted image the D.C. insiders attempt to present, who are willing to raise issues of actual importance to Americans.
What I find fascinating is that so many in the halls of power are fiercely questioning the motives of Mr. Gaetz, whatever they may be.
Perhaps there is even truth that Gaetz is motivated by a personal animosity against Mr McCarthy.
Okay. So what?
You can’t help but notice that few are questioning the motives of the 450+ legislator Uniparty roster that is happy to undermine the wealth and freedoms of 330 million Americans to benefit the tiny sliver of the country that makes up the political and financial ruling class in Washington and on Wall Street.
Sometimes, it’s worth shaking things up to make a statement, and let the chips fall where they may, especially when you have nothing to lose. Matt Gaetz is doing exactly that. There’s also the benefit of a House without a Speaker being unable to pass destructive legislation!’
I do not see Kennedy wanting to imprison any of the premeditated murderers.
Or even stopping the ones that are still murdering everyday now. Drive by a Pharmacy and walk to the back. Go to a Maternity Unit at a hospital go to the Pediatrician's office. Jab, Jab, Jab....
It's horrible. The sheep! Going in for the slaughter. 😭😭😭
Absolutely correct ,these bastards ket kicking the can down the road with this bullshit continuing resolution-- so Kudos to you Matt Goetz-- McConnel you gotta go to the fucking prison farm with Biden - I will get you a pair of knitting needles-- we need to wipe the floor with these fucking son’s of bitches- there is no constitutional government and it was some of our very own Republican uniparty
members that were complicit in making this horror show happen--I have a few in my state and i am measuring them for “ a wooden kimono"