Big Pharma's deadly reach extends far beyond vaccines
My friend and long-time subscriber, Ingrid, sent me the link directly below. It’s absolutely worth the read (sample above). The topic is absolutely worthy of much more exploration and caution. Reminder: It’s not about agreeing with every single word in the post. It’s about being inspired to think far, far outside mainstream …
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a year ago · 15 likes · 10 comments · Mickey Z.
The Eli Lilly defense is real and that has been in play for a long time. They hand these anti-depressants out like candy. They trust the Dr. giving it to them & do not question. But each person has to read about the medicine, read the side effects because each individual reacts differently to any kind of medication....many times the patient is better off with cognitive behavioral therapy before popping an anti-depressant in their mouth and thinking that will take everything away. It never does. You have to deal with the underlying cause. There are no magic pills.
Imagine you are a TRILLION dollar predatory-industry and you spread so much manure, I mean money, that the U.S. congress grants/legislates you BLANKET IMMUNITY…just imagine the damage you could do.