'Black hole' of COVID, the 'COVID protocol' that the medical system used to kill our parents, familes, friends, colleages: i)designation as COVID positive with false positive PCR process (97% false
positive) ii)pumped granny with toxic drugs iii)isolated granny & began death spiral iv)sedated her with paralytic midazolam/diamorphine v)denied antibiotics need for bacterial pneumonia v)DNR orders
vi)sedation drove dehydration that enhanced death spiral vii) sedation caused malnourichment that furthered death spiral viii) isolation so no one touched granny for weeks, months as she lay in mounds of feces and maggots ix) then pumped granny with Remdesivir that is kidney, liver toxic, a failed EBOLA drug (Remdesivir was a drug in search of a disease/pandemic like how Tamiflu was a failed drug in search of a disease and got pandemic influenza x)intubated granny then she was placed on a ventilator that ended her life…the ventilator killed 90-95% of people placed on it via massive trauma to the already damaged lungs, VAP (ventilator associated pneumonia) etc. Trump was misled about the ventilator as with many aspects of the fraud non-pandemic with a 0.05% infection fatality rate (IFR) and a 99.998% risk of survival for those 75 years of age and below and where no, NOT ONE, not one healthy child across this 3.5 years of this COVID fraud, got COVID infection of any variant, and then got severely ill, or died from COVID in America, Sweden, Germany, UK etc. Not one!
This is why we hunt the 33 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse and we drag them into court rooms as long as it takes, we drag them in, depose them, under oath, and make them answer questions, investigate them and in proper tribunals and judges and juries and if shown to have costed lives with their fraud deadly COVID policies, we take all their monies and jail them, jail anyone of them…and if the judges and juries, only them, say the death penalty is on the table, then we impose the death penalty…we hang them high!
No kidding? I’m being sarcastic again only because there’s been numerous recalls of various PCR products. Additionally, the CT or Cycle Thresholds was deliberately altered to show a “positive PCR test” when in fact it was negative! The corruption and intentional misleading information provided from the CDC and FDA and MSM is beyond pale! It’s defines a completely new color on the color spectrum! Nothing can be more misleading and down right wrong than a simple PCR test but they had to deliberately manipulate to intentionally obliterate, human life! There has to be repercussions and jail and most importantly, a death penalty instituted for such blatant lies and “crimes against humanity”!! May God Bless America and the entire world!
Outfit them with Israeli flags, send them all free tickets and complimentary airfare to the Hamas holy land...........wherever/whatever the fuck that is. That ought to take care of 'em.