'Bobby Takes the Off Ramp (SAGE HANA); This is absolutely not gonna git 'er done, but maybe we all knew that, and it's best to see things as they are sooner rather than later'
Let’s begin with the obvious Serve up the Fauci Patsy to avoid getting to the United States Department of Defense and their bioweapons program and monster contracts with Big Pharm....hhhmmmm
‘Allow me to decode this tweet. I’m fluent in bullshit.
Let’s begin with the obvious Serve up the Fauci Patsy to avoid getting to the United States Department of Defense and their bioweapons program and monster contracts with Big Pharm.
Fauci bad. Also, Fauci is “mainstream”. Meanwhile my boy Robert Malone, splashed all over my book an…’
Almost forgot to mention, we have a current illegitimate administration and President who has a longer rap-sheet than Al Capone! Continually lies, as does this administration and continues to purge American taxpayers from any sort of upward mobility! Need more be said? The evidence is so obvious and so deep it’s not funny! Corrupted officials and departments heads, a dysfunctional military hierarchy and who is part of Americas destruction and our foreign allies laughing in disgust at us! How much more have they done? Well, a quick thought and bingo, how about a “False Flag” January 6th operation? How about the jailed so called, “ insurrectionist” without a single insurrection charge filed! How about grandma and grandpa being murder with another “false flag” called a pandemic! In and on and on the I list grows ever more tragic and dangerous! But we’re going to hold them accountable! Really? I ask when?! When will ONE SINGLE PERSON be held accountable? It quite apparent no one will be held accountable! It’s so obvious we are all being played and yes that wetness we’re feeling running down our necks is in fact, “PISS” and YES, they are pissing on everything good and free and telling us all, “ITS RAINING OUT”!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
I don’t think “hang them all” rhetoric will get him elected. Get into office and
1. Assure constitutional rights for military, 2. Fire the woke idiots in command
3. Cultivate solid loyalty from the military, 4.Secure the f****** border. Invite Zelenskii to drive a cab in NY.
5. A real DOJ that will prosecute crimes.
THEN you can hang them all with DUE PROCESS that comes from an unfettered DOJ.
The press will say “Wait... you didn’t want to get bogged down in retribution!” Answer: I didn’t. That’s what the DOJ is for. They investigate violations and prosecute the offenders.
You are sensitive to BS? Trump will not repudiate the shots. Because of PREP? THAT is BS and makes him utterly unsuitable for the presidency.