As I've mentioned elsewhere. the entire Canadian cabinet needs to resign too. Justin Trudeau has done far - FAR - worse than Boris and there's no reason for him to still be standing at this point. He's the most scandalous PM in Canada's history and is being propped up by the NDP. And the Bloc Quebecois is just absurdly adding to the problem by backing the mandates. Not that they care about Canada one way or another.

Justin Trudeau: YOU MUST RESIGN. And Chrystia Freeland should follow right after.

As should Theresa Tam.

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Time for Boris along with Justinflation to leave. I am sure the Netherlands would like their leader also to go. They have much manure packed for him to fill his boots with. The G7 leaders are all on the chopping block for their constituents.

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Boris and Javid committed treason against the British people. After promising never to introduce a digital ID aka "vaccine passport" they sneakily snuck it in, in the last round of legislation that lifted the lockdowns.

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The whole cabinet should go. Permanently out of office. Not one spoke up.

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Well that will be one less WEF protégé in office to depopulate the Brits with his vax mandates.

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Maybe some of them will start ratting out the globalist filth.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

Don't count your chickens.

The Dictator in Chief is refusing to step down.

I have been reading that there are plans to close most British airports (except Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast of course) and to remove beef and lamb from the British general public by 2030.

I guess whoever gets in will still be a WEF puppet in play.

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Boris is but one of an entire cabal of Ardern, Macron, Trudeau etc all of whom are elected dictators.

The damage Boris Johnston has done and continues to inflict in the UK is staggering ( writing as someone who voted for him) and he has to go

I sincerely hope that other so afflicted countries can depose their equally or worse despotic leaders and we eventually return to democracy but it’s a very long way off at this point

Covid and the blatant misinformation has been ironically “helpful” on highlighting to many the massive corruption in a wholly dysfunctional state.

I just despair for those that have been and will be damaged by the criminal use of the vax.

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The system is fundamentally corrupt. Another equal wolf in sheep's clothing scumbag will simply replace mop-head Johnson and so the shit-show will go on. It'll make no difference.

The system has to change:

1. Politicians do not earn more than a fixed salary per annum;

2. Their finances and lifestyles are audited every three months.

3. They are not permitted to have any connection to big tech, pharma, media and biz.

4. If they are looking for fame or money then politics is not for them

5. Public service is what it is.

The above will weed out 90% of the scumbags.

Society needs to play an active roll.

All this clicktivism wank is just BS.

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Now if only something like that would happen in Canada... And America... And Australia and New Zealand... And Holland and France and Germany... 🙄

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Go Boris, your time is over. You betrayed your people.

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Fire and vaccinate Boris with a real vaccine!

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And who do they replace him with that will fix things and not go further down the WEF rabbit hole??

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He's just another WEF puppet.....why doesn't this happen here...is the air different in Britain....

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Tyburn gallows for the win!

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