BREAKING: Three SPANISH parents report to Health for sudden death of their children after receiving the COVID vaccine; Juan José, Marvelous & Daniel were 12, 13 & 14 years old, respectively, & died
suddenly while playing sports; parents suing Spanish governments & ministers of health; we MUST investigate in proper courts & judges, if guilty of bribes, imprison & hang doctors & politicians
It is time more parents did this, if their child died from these deadly mRNA technology vaccines.
‘Their names are Juan José Quirós López , Marvelous Ounanefe Johnson Andrews and Daniel Herce Rodríguez . They were 12, 13 and 14 years old, respectively. No previous history of pathologies. They died suddenly from hypertrophic heart disease - the first two - and cardiac arrhythmia. His parents, who assure THE OBJECTIVE that they were "perfectly healthy" before the inoculation, attribute it to the Covid-19 vaccine , and this Thursday they filed a complaint with the State Attorney General's Office for homicide due to serious recklessness. genetic manipulation, threats, coercion, public health, prevarication, against moral integrity with damage to life and abuse of authority.
This medium has accompanied the parents to file the complaint, which has been drafted by the Liberum Association , and which is directed against the former Ministers of Health Salvador Illa and Carolina Darias . Subsequently , they have gone to the Ministry located on Madrid's Paseo del Prado to hand it over with the intention of having their cases investigated. They have been asking for it for a year, but it has been in vain.
"We want justice to be done, and for more parents to join our complaint," they sob before this journalist. Daniel died suddenly while he was lying on the couch in his house . "I thought he had fallen asleep, but then he wouldn't get up," recalls Diana, his mother. His son had been inoculated with batch FG7898, which has reported adverse effects . Marvelous and Juan José, on the other hand, had been injected with the same batch of the Pfizer vaccine, FG9428 . Both died suddenly, one playing soccer and the other in the school yard .
The complaint, to which THE OBJECTIVE has had access in its entirety, regrets that "the administrations and health authorities want [the parents] to believe that these deaths should be classified as natural deaths, and that they have not even considered the possibility." of the recognized adverse effect of the vaccines against COVID-19, so that, in addition, one of the minors [Juan] became infected with SARS-CoV-2, after two inoculations, testing positive for the post-mortem PCR .
The parents report that their offspring were “perfectly healthy ,” and that they only began to experience respiratory complications after inoculation. "My child began to suffocate when he was running, it had never happened to him before," says Soledad, representing the parents of the young man from Malaga, who are still too "affected" to have been able to appear at the Prosecutor's Office. She still cries when, when reviewing the text of the complaint, she sees the image of her nephew's corpse.
A "natural death"?
The parents denounce that the only explanation they received is that their children, minors, had died "naturally", and that it was probably due to a "hereditary" issue. « How can it be natural for a 12-year-old boy, an athlete, to die suddenly? », cries Soledad , Juan José's aunt. Félix , Marvelous's father, has already undergone numerous cardiac tests .
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"It seems that the Forensic Medicine Institute is desperately looking for one of the parents to have a heart condition ," denounces Alexis Aneas , a Liberum lawyer who represents the complainants. He remembers that Félix's son "had federation recognition in September and they declared him fit to play." He died in December. The complaint states that the deceased's heart was "increased in size": 480 grams when it should have been around 344.
"Pfizer recognized early on that tens of thousands of effects of myocarditis had been recorded in young people ," recalls Aneas, who is also an expert in health issues, which abounds: "It makes sense because the age range where pathologies appear is from 12 to 15 years old, who received the adult dose. From 5 to 11, the vaccine has one third of the composition. The condition can occur because the Spike protein that is replicated by the vaccine lodges in the receptors of the heart tissue and generates an autoimmune disease, which causes thickening of the myocardium, which is known as pericarditis or arrhythmia.
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Effects of covid vaccines
Alexis Aneas also wonders "how it is going to be natural for a child athlete to die from an arrhythmia." The Liberum spokesperson says that they are "fed up with administrations telling us that people die by chance," and points to Daniel's case. "He had neuronal damage that could be due to the fact that the substance generates prions that cross the brain barrier, as demonstrated by a study that we attach to the complaint," he suspects, since "what we want is for it to be investigated."
The complaint is also directed against the president of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), Silvia Calzón , and the director, María Jesús Lamas , as well as "any other authority who, from the investigation actions, derives responsibility." criminal for the events reported.
In this, he charges against Pfizer and Moderna , stating that “according to the clinical trial, in the vaccinated group, eight cases of COVID-19 were recorded out of a total of 18,198 participants 7 days after receiving the second dose; while in the placebo group, 162 cases were recorded among 18,325 participants.
Complaint against the Medicines Agency for “hiding” the effects of covid vaccines
Marcos Ondarra
With these data the laboratory announced a 95% effectiveness of the vaccine compared to those not inoculated. But from Liberum they denounce that "this way of expressing the effectiveness of a medication is biased and misleading": "In absolute terms, the reality was that the incidence of CRP+ had been 0.8% in the placebo group (162/18,325) , compared to 0.04% of the vaccinated group (8/18,198), a difference of 0.76 %. Based on this data, they ask "why children had to be vaccinated, when the best interests of the minor should prevail, if they are not a reservoir of this disease."
Calling more parents
This is the first complaint in which parents ask the authorities to account for the death of their infants after inoculation against Covid-19. The Diario de Sevilla reported last June how at least seven people had reported serious injuries to Health after receiving any of the doses of the coronavirus remedy. One of them, represented by the law firm of Fernando Osuna , claimed more than one million euros for having lost "97% of his vision," in addition to having limitations in his legs.
The intention of the complaint is also to call other parents who find themselves in a similar situation to action. "These three deaths of young athletes, or performing physical activity, are not the only ones in our country," reads the complaint, which exposes dozens of cases, with screenshots from journalistic publications, of deaths of other minors doing sports.’
I'm glad this is getting recognition and that it is only the start of a tidal wave of angry parents against the state. So sad for these families. So many senseless deaths. 😞
How many sudden deaths will it take for the broader public to understand??