Charlie Kirk hits it out of the park again! Big stones Charlie, always on the money! Jim Howard, big props! & Tucker laid down the law again, read the riot act to the corrupted officials! BOOM!

No honest person believes the raid on Donald Trump’s home last week was a legitimate act of law enforcement. It wasn’t. Even the Biden administration didn’t bother to pretend otherwise.

In a free country, you have an absolute right to say what you think in public. Period. It doesn’t matter who’s offended by it.

Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson
There is not a worse character in Washington than Shiff. He is a liars liar.
I hope Tucker has Steve Kirsch on for an hour. But that might be like wishing for a ticket to Europa.
Insanity going insane. What is insanity? Separation from the divine. What is the divine? Truth. It always comes back to John 8:44
And the truth shall set you free.