Clinical observations are favorable in patients with post-acute sequelae (LONG) after COVID infection & COVID mRNA VACCINES using spike detoxification such as nattokinase, bromelain; McCullough' stack
We cannot make therapeutic claims since large RCT’s have not been performed. In the meantime, our clinical observations are favorable in patients with post-acute sequelae after virus and/or vaccine
See Spike detoxification (clot thinning) Recovery formula:
Link to examine the Spike Recovery formulation:
also, see McCullough’s substack:
Link to examine the Spike Recovery formulation:
Support Dr. McCullough’s scholar, his work. Support his base detox:
‘By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted medical doctors who are are skilled in pharmaceuticals to expand their therapeutic armamentarium to include natural products with medicinal properties. Bromelain, a family of natural enzymes derived from the stems of pineapples has proteolytic, antifibrotic, anticoagulant, and anti-inflammatory properties.
In a prospective, randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial, bromelain was combined with another enzyme trypsin and rutoside (rutin similar to quercetin), a flavonoid substance. The dose of bromelain ranged from 540 mg to 1080 mg per day. The objective results included a reduction in the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein, pain scores, and need for pain medication.

While we cannot tease out one component versus another, it is clear the combination was medicinally active in the human body. My inclination is to attribute most of the effect to the higher doses of bromelain.
It is reassuring to see RCT data on nutraceuticals and see they are influencing objective parameters. This strengthens support for McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification, which includes nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin. We cannot make therapeutic claims since large RCT’s have not been performed. In the meantime, our clinical observations are favorable in patients with post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination.’
Darpa, DOD & HHS knew that Baric asked to insert the Furin Cleavage site at the S1/
S2 of the GP120 spike. SV40 from HEK293 Cells was inserted into the site. This
interacts with the cell membrane, destroying it damaging &, causing super cancers,
& inserting the crystalizing (self-replicating) Cobra-Venom which the NIH has found
it'S (Homologous to). Venoms have been the key base chassis technology in all
vaccines going back to 1891 or before, & this process is outlined in Malone's
progenitor patent in 1990. It's also the basis for all so called "Anti-Cancer Vaccines" &
all mRNA so called Vaccines" & is why ALL the animals in al the Cancer vaccine
trials and mRNA technology trials for 25 years all died, riddled with cancers of every
kind. myelitis & blood & pulmonary system damage, prions & benzene crystals
throughout their bodies.
SV40 Is Simeon Monkey kidney cells infused with Cobra Venom, closest to African
black people's DNA causing possible hormonal degeneration, congenital birth
defects & causing auto-immune disorders as the immune system then attacks the
body since it's genetically close to the inserted Bioweapon engineered pathogen.
Does this look important?