COVID killed us because of 1)smallest number died due to the virus 2)more died due to delayed denied 'only COVID beds' March 2020 lunacy 3)more due to effects of lockdowns, school closures 4)even more
died due to the toxicity of the mRNA COVID vaccines 5) more due to the adverse effects of the COVID vaccine 6)even more due to the excess mortality due to vaccine 7)MOST died due to MEDICAL management
it was and is the medical management, based on the ‘sucked into the black hole of COVID’ with a fraud PCR driven pandemic using an over (cycled PCR test (97% false positive), isilation, dehydration of granny, malnourichment of granny and grandpa, the sedation with midazolam and diamorphine, the pumping of toxic drugs into granny, the DNR orders against children and loved one wishes, the denial of use of antibiotics to treat bacterial pneumonia often secondary to viral respiratory infection, sepsis etc., the Remdesivir (failed EBOLA drug) that was destroying granny’s kidneys and liver, and the ventilator that blew up her lungs and caused ventilator associated pneumonia…this was the ‘WONDERFUL’ COVID protocol that granny enjoyed that put her into the ground.
and you question why we should not hang doctors and health officials from CDC, FDA, Health Canada etc. and all those who enacted deadly COVID policies, once we show in proper courts with proper judges and juries that they killed our loved ones? That once judges declare death penalty that we do not follow the judges ruling? No, I will wait to hear if judges and juries say death penalty is in order. I for one will never go against a judge’s ruling.
GALLOWS after quick trial and guilty verdict for being a murderous BIOTERRORIST like Fauci and Bourla.
Never, never ever forget!