COVID was a ponzi scheme, a scheme to engage is unbridled money laundering, COVID was money laundering & transferring wealth from the poor, lower middle class to the upper class; when I say hang them
high, I mean HIGH, we focus on all those in the mRNA invention business, investigate them, investigate the vaccine makes, pharma, start with Malone, Bourla, Weissman, Sahin, Bancel, Karikó
COVID was a money and power laundering scheme. Devised to upside down the world and remake it.
COVID was a ‘95% false-positive’ PCR-manufactured 100% lie, a PCR generated non-pandemic based on the lie of asymptomatic spread that never happened; 100% of COVID, all that was done, what we were told, was a lie! Nothing is real and nothing they did across COVID (Trump and Biden administration), that they suffered us under and subjected us to, worked! Nothing worked, but rather harmed us in process!
Had we done NOTHING, nothing other than protect the high-risk vulnerable persons with strong protections, reasonable safety precautions, no one would have noticed and far less would have died. I will discuss separate that this, whatever they released, was circulating years before Jan 2020.
We killed people, our doctors, our governments, our health agency officials, the media, they worked together with sinister malevolent sick ‘behind the curtain’ peoples to kill us! Not the virus (or whatever that is that was released, maybe it was not a virus, lets see, but something did caused ILI respiratory symptoms in elderly high-risk people that killed some), but the denial of chronic illness medical care e.g. for heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. as no beds as all set for COVID, collaterol damage deaths from lockdowns, the deadly mRNA vaccine itself, but most deaths due to the medical management, the specious deadly COVID policies. The ‘blackhole’ of COVID that sucked people into the medical system to kill them. From designating them positive using an over-cycled PCR process (beyond 24 amplifications) that was detecting viral dust and fragments and not infectious lethal pathogen (notice I said pathogen), to isolation, dehydration, malnourichment of our high risk elderly (we could not even bury our dead), pumping elderly with toxic drugs, DNR orders, denial of antibiotics that was needed for bacterial pneumonia secondary to viral infection, sedation using paralytics like propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, fentanyl etc., Remdesivir that was kidney and liver toxic, then intubation and put on ventilator that blew massive holes in their lungs and caused ventilator associated pneumonia. Ventilator killed 95% of those put on it. Our doctors killed people, negligent or deliberate.
First, shout out to SAGE HANA, 2nd Smartest, EUGYPPIUS, Vigilant News, SCHACHTEL, Naked Emperor, Igor Chudov, Makis, Mike Yeadon, Lioness of Judah, Wolf, EL GATO MALO, LATYPOVA, McCullough, Rice Jr., Watt etc. and their stacks, those types, it keeps me informed, busy. SAGE is remarkable so hat tip to SAGE, we may not agree on all but very good work, keep it up, I like it, I like brave people, principle balls to the wall people, I admire them, respect them:
Something very sinister and dark took place with COVID, from virus origins, who is involved, where, why, to the devastating unscientific lockdown lunatic response, to the mRNA technology underpinning mRNA gene vaccines, something stinks to high heavens, nothing makes sense. Nothing done from Feb 2020 to now, makes any sense, then and now, now even worse.
Seems this was really planned on various levels, by sick dark people. We actually seem to know some of them.
The world is changed forever from what they did and negatively and these people benefitted, we must know who, and why…and how to punish them…if it is shown in legal courts, proper judges, juries, that bad things were done, malicious, reckless, deadly and that people were harmed and died as a consequence, then we punish them. We hang them high if judges declare death penalty is in order, beyond prison.
Amnesty is NOT an option!
Those who did this COVID fraud, from lockdowns to the deadly gene shot must be held to account
We seek accountability & Justice in proper legal forums, judges etc.
Justice is needed for us to regain some measure of trust
Justice is needed for us to move on!
Justice is needed so they will not do this madness, this power-drunk madness again!
I ain’t one of the wanna be Freedom Fighters, the ‘pretend’ ones, jumped on COVID to enrich themselves too…playing on the fence, playing a game for money, for donor money…I in this for ‘real’ accountability, jail time and death penalty, even if you are my freind and you did wrong. You must pay legally if you costed lives. I am sorry.
To Malone, I was your homie, we used to swim together in the same pond, and I have nothing against you personally, I have serious scientific and technical issues with you and what you have done, I think you have helped no one but you! you benefitted from COVID and we thought you would have been a champion, there is still time. remember, yet I seek answers from you…many of us do, real questions on your mRNA work and a real interview, public. Unscripted. Any and all monies go to people harmed by vaccines based on your mRNA technology, so any day, any time you up to it, and brave enough and wish to clear up questions, I am ready, you know how to reach me:
See my 40 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse list of who we must investigate, it is growing:
Hell yes. Hang 'em high.
Well, the covid hoax was a lot of things, and wealth transfer and money laundering was part of it. Clearly a bunch of already-wealthy globalists conspired to get rid of millions of people and make Billions of dollars doing it, all without the general population knowing they were targets and victims.