Creator of 'Trump-Bibi' GAZA video AI generated now regrets that Trump found it & posted it in social media; they did it as a joke NOT to be used politically or propaganda; insists artificial
intelligence should be banned for political use. Skyscrapers bordering the coastline; ‘The idea was like, how Trump wants to turn Gaza into Vegas. We wanted to have an internal laugh about it. It was
a joke. ‘The duo claim they have no idea how Trump found the video, as they had posted it on their personal Instagram for just a few hours and then circulated it among some friends.’ ‘After it got picked up by Trump, Arcana Labs CEO Jonathan Yunger told NBC: ‘The fact that the president took it and posted it as his own, I think, is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen in my life.’
Tell that douchy creator that he can't have it both ways and to go to hell. I haven't even watched it, but it doesn't matter.
Well then the creator shouldn't have made such nonsense. Trump's a loose cannon, who never thinks before he opens his mouth, or before he posts stuff on social media. He's literally his own worst enemy. People need to stop giving him more ammunition.