Democrats cannot bear to hear about Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off Babies’ Limbs yet this is what they approve of & practice; they want to pretend & stick their heads up their asses
No no no, we have to ensure they learn how forceps pull off the arms and legs of the in utero baby at 16 weeks (4 months) that is alive, a viable human being & crush the head, pulling out a dead child
These are criminals who take the baby’s life like this, criminals! I am pro-life, I believe in the sanctity of life and will defend it. Those who take life this way are murderers IMO, murderers! If Trump is re-elected he must get this outlawed. This is barbaric madness! This is not a ‘choice’ issue, this is torturing murder!
Who is standing up in defense of the unborn child??? Who? Who has? It is not shameful, it is disgusting that they do not stand up for the unborn. Even Republicans failed on this, this is political theatre.
‘Outraged Montana Senate Democrats walked out of a committee hearing Tuesday because they did not want to hear how abortions brutally kill unborn babies.
According to Montana Public Radio, the Democrat lawmakers objected to what they claimed was “unnecessarily graphic and inflammatory” language about abortions.
The state Senate has been holding hearings on a series of pro-life bills this week, including state House Bill 721. The pro-life legislation would ban dismemberment abortions that kill nearly fully-formed second-trimester unborn babies by pulling them apart limb from limb while their heart is still beating and then removing their body in pieces from the womb.
State Sen. Jen Gross, D-Billings, became angry during the state Senate Judiciary hearing when pro-lifers used the word “barbaric” to describe these abortion procedures, according to the report. She also grew upset when another lawmaker linked abortion to satanism.’
Senator Gross of Montana got offended? Poor you. Surely you jest.. Dems,you approve the law of killing the pre-born. Now look at what happens to a
6 month to full term pre-born baby. Watch what they do, and then they sell the organs & use the cells. Huge money making business. Check out Univ of Pitt and the grant given by Fauci. Read about how the kidney & retina cells are taken. They only have a few minutes to extract the cells & the baby is taken by C-section and the baby has to be alive when it is done. Read about the screams from these poor little ones. Then read where these little babies are put, and how they are then dissected within 24 hrs. It will make you sick & you will cry, and you will never forget the description written by a nurse and posted in Lifesite News. I read it in 2021. Barbaric, Heartbreaking and they have NO VOICE, only us. We are no different from the CCP. Also as an aside, remember who’s daddy started Planned Parenthood, eugenist Billy Gates’. He is obsessed with off’ing people too. Why is Billy,this genocidal maniac,still walking around free?Also no shot for Billy or the head of Moderna, and most of Congress is exempt. And “useless eaters”as they call us are being murdered everyday in hospitals because the protocol is NOT about saving lives as they still withhold the proper medications which is antithetical to the Oath taken to save lives. It is all being condoned by the Lying Democrats & all the players in this Culture of Death that we are sadly living in.
thank you for sharing i think if they cannot handle the truth of how a baby is killed then those that walked out should not be allowed to vote. they should make them see the video of a abortion that is really graphic.