Dick Cheney said he will vote for Kamala Harris...hhhmmm, is Cheney still alive? that neocon fucker who lied & lied with George Bush Sr. & caused the deaths of thousands of people in
Desert Storm...all of it, including the WMD Iraq with George Bush Jr. was a lie, a fraud...if I die and open my eyes and see Cheney or Colin Powell etc., I know I ended up in hell! who the hell cares
what Cheney said and truly, I thought he had died but then was just told he is living off of someone else’s organs…only person to me more whacko than he is his whacko daughter. I never like Dick, pure RINO but worst. Problem is these bitches are so jealous of Trump…these are garbage people…Trump beat these RINOs…and going to do it again!
Dick Cheney and his witch daughter are human trash. It stands to reason they'd support fellow garbage, so this news was anything but a surprise.
A lot of people thought Cheney was 6 under. Do not fret. His body is still alive minus a few organs. But his soul has been dead for most of his life. We are supposed to pray men like him. So Pray.