Dieting: Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, all diet outfits, all diets, if involves restricting food intake, will end in failure and diet industry knows this, you will ALWAYS put back on more weight; down
regulating your basal metabolism if you restrict energy intake too long! only steps that work is 1)energy in must = energy out ii)moderation & commonsense iii)exercise/active living (all combined)
A bit of intermittent fasting also that promotes autophagy, allowing liver etc. to rest and replenish etc.
This works for me:
1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).
2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.
3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.
4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.
5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.
6) Exercise moderately.
7) Sleep long enough each night.
8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.
9) Pray.
10) Communicate with friends
I did weight watchers a long time ago. I think they are great. When I went there I didn't have to buy any products from them. They taught me good nutrition and portion sizes.
I bought my food and prepared it.
weight watchers had us keep track of everything we ate and drank to keep track of input and see what resulted.
We talked to other dieters and encouraged each other or offered advice.