Dr Aseem Malhotra: the current system making good people do very bad things; only interested in PROFIT, not healthcare; COVID gene injection vaccine KILLS, causes cardiac arrest
Direct link between heart attacks (sudden cardiac deaths/arrests) & mRNA vaccines, causes inflammation of coronary arteries; deaths post vaccine rollout, sudden cardiac deaths after they get vaccine
What you need to know is that Aseem prior called for all to be vaccinated! Now he has bailed and been red-pilled and suffered devastating loss of his father from the vaccine.
The full press conference with Dr Lawrie and Dr Cole...2 courageous pioneers, along with Dr Alexander who were right in the beginning and staked their reputations on it when no one else would https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/newsroom/
Dr Aseem, like so many doctors, will have some uncomfortable times ahead. He will have to deal with the reality that he convinced his loved ones to take these toxic 'vaccines'.
Doctors will have to face the fact they have led many into peril. Most will simply ignore their culpability, though it will haunt their psyche, but it will cause plenty of pain to those who confront the reality - they have poisoned themselves, their loved ones, and their patients.
Perhaps in the future they will use their brains before following the herd off the cliff? I have my doubts.