Dr. Charles Hoffe, a Canadian colleague, friend of mines, beautiful brilliant clinician, a REAL soldier day one! Listen here: 'only 25% of the mRNA vaccine stays in the arm, 40 trillion mRNA molecules
per dose & para that goes all over your body, most leaves deltoid & most taken into the lymphatic system and fed into the general circulation and the absorption occurs in the capillary networks
These vaccines are a vast number of mRNA strands…and these mRNA enveloped within the LNP, are taken into the lining of the capillaries, known as the vascular endothelium…here the blood slows down, the mRNA-LNP package enters the cells, the body recognizes the mRNA as a gene and goes to work making COVID spike proteins…they are not in a virus as the natural virus, they are in the cells that surround blood vessels etc..now you have these translated spike protein as part of the cell walls. Now clotting is inevitable…these spike proteins in the capillary networks..these little clots are microscopic, micro thrombi….will not show up in any scan, not like big clots that causes strokes or heart attacks…the only way to find them, these micro thrombi, is via a blood test called a D-DIMER…shows up a recent new clot, does not say where the clot is, just says the clotting mechanism has been activated….the side effects of the shots are signs of cerebral thrombosis and the symptoms you get like headaches etc. You are technicall at risk of stoke post COVID mRNA technology vaccines.
You always were. You are blocking up thousands of capillaries in your lungs, brain etc. After the mRNA shots and Hoffe found over 60% of his patients who came after a mRNA VACCINE shot, had these microscopic clots. Permanently damaged in a person’s lung, PERMANENTLY damged lungs…reduced effort tolerance….these vessels are damaged, and when the heart tries to pump blood through those damaged vessels and thus with increased resistance in the vessels in the lungs, those people get pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) and this is high blood pressure in their lungs, they will probably develop right sided heart failure and will die in about 3-4 years. due to increased blood pressure, vascular resistance in their lungs.
a clotted vessel is permanently damaged.
at this stage you are experts on a lot of this but I wanted to reshare…
Dube, Hodkinson etc. Excellent interview.
see this sage piece by SAGE (support this substack by SAGE):
The entire impetus behind the plandemic was to alter the human landscape and change the system by which we are governed.
If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?