Dr. Peter Breggin (and Ginger Breggin) again rises to the top and brings us this important scholarship on Psychiatric drugs which are really intended to subdue us; WARNING: Psychiatric drugs are not
only dangerous to take, they are also dangerous to withdraw from. Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done cautiously with professional supervision. See links below to show Breggin's breadth
Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families.
‘It is gratifying that other doctors, columnists, and authors are increasingly exposing psychiatric drugs — including excellent overviews by A Midwestern Doctor. Beyond Substack, the most important recent critical evaluation of psychiatric drugs comes from physician Peter Gotzsche, and long-term Dr. Patrick D. Hahn has written a heartbreaking overview of the damage of antidepressants. Reviews by authors and columnists include examinations of antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, so-called antipsychotics, and more. These doctors and writers are very brave. Even the most stringent and scientific critical views draw massive attacks from media and pharmaceutical companies that are dependent upon these substances.’
‘There can no longer be any equivocating about this dreadful conclusion: The elite global predators want to depopulate us and to make the remainder of us so emotionally blunted that we cannot resist our increasing enslavement.
[Peter R. Breggin MD, 2019: “This is a direct result of evil. I was the chief expert for all of the Prozac suits—about 160 of them against Eli Lilly…. the trial was fixed, which is a matter of record….my family and I became very sick… A plumber discovered the exhaust stacks for our furnace and hot water heater were removed and hidden in a corner in our basement…” click on image above for full video statement.]
Most of the evidence on the damage of psychiatric drugs repeats and expounds on what Dr. Breggin has researched, documented, and published in medical books, popular books, and media and has testified about over a hundred times in courtrooms and other legal proceedings over the past 50 years. Dr. Breggin has found that when he carefully withdraws people from antidepressants, they realize that they have gone through years of their lives without being able to fully engage their partners and children in a loving manner, but they can become able to do so.
Despite the abundant evidence of psychiatric drug injury to human beings and the massive amount of tragedy and violence created by the dispensing of psychiatric drugs, the drug companies continue to be supported by multiple government agencies and permitted via the FDA to distribute them.
Government and Big Pharma Want to Harm Us
The federal government and state governments have not acted to staunch the damage being done by psychiatric drugs, even though they have more than enough evidence to act.
We now know what the strategy is. We have seen it enforced in real-time with the COVID catastrophe. Instead of “major depression,” we saw a “disease” called “COVID-19” appear, creating a need for a solution. And the Department of Defense and Big Pharma, along with lots of other players like NIH and FDA, jumped in, pushing the “COVID mRNA vaccine” (which is actually a toxic bioweapon) upon civilian populations worldwide. Many people who were forced or manipulated into taking the “vaccine” have died suddenly or are increasingly falling ill. Dr. Breggin estimates that there will be 2 million deaths in the US in the first two years of the “vaccine” from 2021-2023.
So now we know. Whether we are speaking of the toxic and deadly COVID “vaccines” or the toxic and destructive psychiatric drugs, “They” want to make us either dead or docile. Those in positions of power and authority have their own agendas, and they are not in our best interests. If we take the pills or take the shots, they get more money, they get more power, and “we” are further weakened. The goal is depopulation and enslavement.
Therefore, we, the people, must begin refusing. Refuse psychiatric drugs. If you or your loved one are already taking psychiatric drugs, consult Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, or his more popular presentation, Medication Madness, and develop a careful withdrawal plan under supervision.
Likewise, refuse COVID “vaccines” and all other mRNA/RNA/lipid nanoparticle-based vaccines. For further information about the so-called “vaccines,” see our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. For help in the treatment of any COVID-like diseases or other new and exotic diseases being promoted, see TruthforHealth.org.
All of Life is an Alternative to Psychiatric Drugs
We know, over and over, that it has been proven that the contents of psychiatric drugs are dangerous and disease-causing. Just don’t start. If you started and are taking psychiatric drugs, you must be very careful coming off these drugs as abrupt withdrawal can also trigger grave difficulties. There are innumerable psychosocial, educational, spiritual, and therapeutic alternatives available to help people.
Peter R. Breggin, MD, physician and psychiatrist, has written the only medical book by a psychiatrist solely dedicated to fully elucidating how to withdraw from psychiatric drugs — Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. The book is intended for doctors, therapists, their patients and the families of patients.
We must learn to take care of ourselves, our families, and our patients.
Here is a wealth of resources to help get professionals and families alike started.
Breggin Resources
Children and Adolescents
Reclaiming Our Children: A Healing Plan for a Nation in Crisis [written following the Columbine School Shooting]
Talking Back to Ritalin: What Doctors Aren’t Telling You About Stimulants and ADHD
Breggin.com | The Ritalin Fact Book: What Doctors Won’t Tell You About ADHD and Stimulant Drugs
Emotional Crisis
Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions
Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy, and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the “New Psychiatry”
The Heart of Being Helpful: Empathy and the Creation of a Healing Presence
Dimensions of Empathic Therapy
Psychosocial Approaches to Deeply Disturbed Persons
The COVID Catastrophe
COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.
Free Resource Centers by Dr. Breggin
Children and Adolescents
Dr. Breggin’s Children’s and Drugs Resources Center
Video: Dr. Breggin describes the negative effects of diagnosing children with ADHD.
The Rights of Children and Parents in Regard to Children Receiving Psychiatric Diagnoses and Drugs
Military and Veterans
Written Witness Testimony of Peter R. Breggin MD for House Committee on Veterans Affairs: Exploring the Relationship Between Medication and Veteran Suicide
“TBI, PTSD, and psychiatric drugs. A perfect storm for causing abnormal mental states and aberrant behavior.” In Brock, H. and Else, R.C. (Eds). The Attorney’s Guide to Defending Veterans in Criminal Court. Minneapolis, MN: Veterans Defense Project. Chapter 10, pp. 251-264, 2014. Peter R. Breggin, MD Recent years have seen a marked increase in the prescription of psychiatric drugs to active duty military personnel and to veterans. Until the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, soldiers were rarely, if ever, sent into combat while taking psychiatric drugs, but now it is commonplace and may occur in 20% or considerably more of combat troops. Nearly all soldiers returning from combat with psychiatric diagnoses will be placed on multiple psychiatric drugs and maintained on them during treatment at the VA.
“Antidepressant-Induced Suicide, Violence, and Mania: Risks for Military Personnel” scientific paper.
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It will be even easier than now to set people up for iatrogenic effects of toxic psychiatry once Harris is installed. Trump's campaign is being spied on externally by the secret police security surveillance state. No coincidence that Routh knew when he would be on the golf course. With a Harris landslide expected the DS and spies that lied are getting brazen. Harris has reportedly seen a 24-point swing among young voters, an 18-point swing among Hispanic voters and a 17-point swing among Black voters. Harris is looking like LBJ and Trump is looking like he's going to get the result Barry Goldwater got when he went up against LBJ in 1964.
What about blood pressure medication having snake Venom in it? Most people don't know that there is snake venom in most of the blood pressure medication and that's exactly how a snake would kill you drop your respirations and drop your heartbeat