Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification” “Far and away, most common question I get from those who took ...COVID-19 vaccines is, ‘How do I get this out of my body'
This leaves dissolution of Spike protein as a therapeutic goal for vaccine injured. The Wellness Company (Foster Coulson) (TWC.health) offers one possible solution to dissolve spike (virus, vaccine)
See link to product here:
See link to product here:
‘Dr. Peter McCullough has been a voice of reason in a medical system crazed with COVID hysteria. As a leading cardiologist, he worked to educate us all on what – and what isn’t – the science behind COVID and the vaccines. And his warnings about vaccines have been borne out.
In a recent article, Dr. McCullough said:
“Far and away, the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is, ‘How do I get this out of my body?’" The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea of how or when the body would ever break down the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period... it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike.
This leaves the dissolution of Spike protein as a therapeutic goal for the vaccine injured. With the respiratory infection, Spike is processed and activated by cellular proteases including transmembrane serine protein 2 (TMPRSS2), cathepsin, and furin. With vaccination, these systems may be avoided by systemic administration and production of Spike protein within cells. As a result, the pathogenesis of vaccine injury syndromes is believed to be driven by the accumulation of Spike protein in cells, tissues, and organs.
Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with the bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”
If you or someone you love needs nattokinase, The Wellness Company’s “Spike Support Formula” contains nattokinase plus other extracts known to help the body recovery from spike protein exposure – both from the vaccine and from COVID19.
In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula you will find:
• Nattokinase (dissolves spike protein)
• Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)
• Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)
• Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)
• Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)
• Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)
See link to product here:
Here is Dr. Jen VanDeWater, PharmD, talking about the benefit of the combination of elements in The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:
The Wellness Company - Spike Support Product
What are people saying about The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:
“I saw Dr. McCullough talk about the product and decided to give it a try. A month and a half later, I feel sooo much better. I also have recommended the product to family members to help them detox from the painful side effects of the vaccine.”
“I feel like I have had brain fog for the past 18 months and after taking this supplement noticed the fog lifting finally. I plan to buy more for myself and now a friend suffering from heart issues.”
“I am grateful for the Wellness Company and for you coming out with this spike protein vitamin. I am a big believer in natural healing and not pharmaceutical drugs. Thank you for doing what is right and for speaking the truth in a world that is so dark.”
On The Wellness Company’s website, you will see that purchasing all the individual components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100. You save 36% with the unique formulation of The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.’
As the depopulation seems to have been, and is being, planned by an extremely sophisticated AI, it is possible to publicize one thing for which the remedy only activates another toxin. It's essential what the protection is for, but there are way too many fronts on which humanity is being attacked.
I am somewhat confused. At www.petermcculloughmd.com he gives a regimen of nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin. So which is the best? This spike detox or the trio regimen?