Dr. Robert Redfield speaks at the congressional hearings & as I have argued, working with him, he did not work to subvert Trump; IMO, good human being, being overthrown & subverted at CDC itself
this is interesting exchange; Dr. John Campbell seems to have woken up to the devastating fraud of the pandemic & deliberate manufacture of this pathogen, multiple release, lab, heavy US footprint
Nice summary by Dr. Campbell. This was against science. These corrupted criminal people who wrote that research paper in NATURE, went from knowing it was a lab leak release to then saying it was a natural origin. It was all a complete fraud sham. The entire pandemic. Complete fraud and IMO many must be investigated with the threat of jail and then jailed if wrong is shown.
Good show John.
Dr John Campbell is a little late to the common sense and truth party. Note he never apologizes yet blames others. I was on the fence about him for a long time. It is hard to believe he could have been such a sheep. I could hardly listen to him for two years he was asleep at the switch yet had no problem using his microphone and audience to delay the pursuit of science. I wish all these talking heads would stop talking about the science it was always about the political science the science was weaponize to cause abject fear hence submission for the narratives espoused by Fauci Birx Collins Walensky Tedros and all the other so called scientist who were Allegiant to the WEF the Globalist watch how they will start to eat each other. But will anything happen to these liars and murderers? So far it just all seems like political theatre as until there are arrests it’s all just conversation. The facts don’t appear to matter, nor does the outrage or the deaths and injuries that resulted from the pursuit of political science at the expense of human life. The greed and power evident from politicians and Big Pharma is the true pandemic the vaccine necessary to stop this pandemic is trials convictions and consequences similar to the one’s innocent people and their families have incurred.
And now the RACOON DOG and pony show is being trotted out!!!