Dr. Vinay Prasad has come around on major COVID issues & we do NOT agree on several issues but overall, we all evolve, me too, & he remains one of the most informed balanced smart researchers, doctors
out there, I enjoy his work, he has evolved too and I admire how he informs the reader as he updates & refines; case in point, look at this superb scholarship in his recent substack; EXCELLENT!
We learn from Vinay and I thank him for that, his bravery!
See substack article:
Start Vinay here:
‘Trust in science is in free fall. It is particularly low among conservatives. If you ask me: loss of trust is well earned, as the pandemic revealed that scientists suppressed legitimate debate, and the major policy positions— school closure, masking, vaccine mandates— were all ineffective or worse.
How to rebuild trust? By doubling down on petty partisan politics, according to a new JAMA NO paper. Here it is:
And here is how it was framed.
The article claims that people in Red states report more vaccine injuries than people in Blue states. It concludes that either Republicans are more likely to “perceive” injuries, or Dems less likely….’
His biggest failing (which he still fails to acknowledge) was claiming old folks benefitted from, and should get, the jabs.
It was bullshit then, and is bullshit now. But he (still) can’t swallow the bitter pill and admit it. Hubris or willful blindness, or something else…
The Left and their media lieutenants are just sick.