Clinton paid Paula…did he not?
If this is what Matt is doing, he must run stories on all the President’s men, all POTUS…or does Matt want me to write them here? Does Obama have same issue? Biden? etc. etc. Come on Matt, equal opportunity exposure, don’t you think?
Trump wouldn't kill anyone, however Clintonicide is rife ...
I may be naive but it seems to me that Stormy would fit into the category of "not Donald Trump's type" by virtue of her large overall size, her sleaziness, and her "profession" exposing her to sexually transmitted diseases.
He seems to be attracted to beautiful, slender models like Ivana, Marla, and Melania.
I'm aware of his talk about his sexual experiences in 80s New York and his silly bragging with Billy Bush. But when it comes down to reality, if he spent any private time with Stormy, I'd guess it was after she and Michael Cohen plotted to extort Trump by drugging him and finding himself in bed with her when he woke up. After which he would have taken an hour-long hot shower with a scrub brush (life-long germophobe, as he's well known to be).