Anecdote: In May someone I know, someone who is honest, heterosexual, and currently celibate (for several years now), got a bad bug and began breaking out in what might be called "pustules."

It was diagnosed (after a few days) by tele-med as strep throat, although chicken pox seems more consistent with symptoms. 10 days of antibiotics were prescribe (and taken). One particularly bad evening, this individual ventured to an ER where examinations by first line (and therefore least competent) personal resulted in question marks floating all about the place.

The individual went home, had a bowl of chicken soup, and began immediately, if slowly, to improve. When, after ten days of sickness he began to re-engage the outside world, he found a media campaign promoting something called "monkey pox," with a couple of black and white photos from an ancient textbook adorning rhetoric that matched perfectly that used to promote the Covid panic. The individual recognized the pattern and connected the dots and concluded that "monkey pox" is simply the latest myth.

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It is understandable that people of color are not seeking medical help, as they have been targeted for experimental use of drugs of every kind. The results are horrific. These people are suffering because they cannot trust the medical community, for good reason.

Who will the focus turn to next? I am sure they would not torture guinea pigs, or the animal rights activists would be all over them. There is no one to protect the human race!

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A lot of black men around Atlanta are "down low", i.e. they engage in sexual acts with other men, but don't identify as "gay". Closeted bisexuality.

It's also true that blacks are often more promiscuous in general, compared to other groups. There's a lot of research to back this up, but it's considered politically incorrect.

The racial disparities in health are mostly, but not entirely, due to behavior.

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I do not understand this article - what is it telling me? That mainly black gay men in Atlanta have monkeypox? Surely that is not a surprise? Gay males seem to be most of the people who have monkeypox in the US and Atlanta is overwhelmingly a black city isn't it?

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Maybe there is no moosepox and what we are seeing is the results from the injection of poisons like mRNA gene therapy concoctions. That is my idea as others have suggested this and I agree.

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I live in Southeast GA and I would venture to say there are likely a fair amount of cases in Chatham County (Savannah).

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Seems to me, Fauci not only embraced Monkey pox, he downright gave it a wet French kiss, right where it counts.

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The Wizard of Monkeypox? Is it really cutaneous sarcoidosis?

“Because lesions can exhibit many different morphologies, cutaneous sarcoidosis is known as one of the “great imitators” in dermatology.”


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No sex for 3 weeks…. Isn’t this the SAME strategy we tried to deploy with social distancing and the shuttering of businesses? No hugs, no gathering. 6 feet, please!! Remember when the holiday was cancelled?

I don’t think any grown person that has sex is going to listen to this. The creators of these weapons understand human nature very well now. They can throw any number of deadly bioweapons at us and they will ALL work. People don’t want to be told what to do.

America is too divided to last. Too divided racially, ideologically, politically, culturally. This is about to be another big mess.

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HeLa cells used to create this strain, blacks share mtDNA with Henrietta Lacks, so the virus evolved to with the ability to better infect black people. Just a conspiracy theory from the early days of Covid when black people were getting it really bad, but maybe there is something to it.


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As Robert Malone wrote today, are no RCT data that the monkeypox vaccine is effective and certainly not on this current strain. Assuming its not very effective at preventing cases (likely given recent experience), we can’t blame the disproportionate number of cases in black people on healthcare-seeking behavior. I’d say it has to do with knowledge of how the virus is transmitted and risk behavior.

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Could this be part of that genetic DNA bioweapon targeting stuff we have heard about?

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