‘It’s never appropriate, in a patient with an unobstructed airway & an intact chest wall to sedate, intubate and ventilate them. Mechanical ventilation is certainly a marvellous, life-saving thing, but it comes with serious risks to the frail patient, in the form of ventilator acquired pneumonia, lung injury from use of pressure to inflate the lungs, and…
🎯 I make it perfectly clear when I meet someone in the medical community that their policies & procedures MURDERED patients. They were anything but lifesaving and anyone who participated or suggests we move on from COVID are complicit. I tell them we need them to become part of the exposure and part of the solution to NEVER let this happen again. I usually get deer in the headlights look or I get someone who makes excuses for their employer based on all the good they have done in the community. I then say MURDER should be overlooked because your employer did something deemed good that is unrelated to these crimes? I am relentless about this. These people literally act like it’s just another day making donuts. 😡
That sounds why some people have to stop falling for the line "Nobody should take these shots except those at risk or over 65." Those are the people most likely to be harmed by the jabs themselves. We need Ladapo and DeSantis to start saying nobody at all should get these. They aren't currently saying that, instead equivocating a bit, which gives unnecessary credence to jab usage in some people's minds. Just say "NO" to the jabs.