Elon Musk warns of British civil war between islamists UK who rape & stab & kill Brits & native born Brits UK demonstrators; I agree fully, its coming now! Trudeau is Castro's son, says Trump, MAGA!
It is time the UK British people stand up to the refugee illegals invasion that Merkel and their government imposed, raped & stabbed & killed many! Islamists, North Africans! TAMPON-MAN Trudeau!
Tampon-man Trudeau (word is he uses tampons daily, exactly how, above my pay grade), wants all Canadian men to have access to feminine napkins and tampons like him…he uses them, so must for all men…fuck that, no tampons for me! I will pass on that…but there are Canadian men who will insert tampons up their ass just to be woke and say they ‘identify’, that’s how insane some Canadians are and to understand, just go back to the internet and see what they did to each other during Doug Ford’s COVID lunatic madness and Jason Kenney’s…in Ontario and Alberta and Quebec…treated each other like animals.
Are we ready to stand up to ALL the illegal aliens that are in the US? What say you Dr. Alexander?
Turdo is ugly, stupid, bigoted and a supreme waste of air and skin.