Excellent stack by Dr. Peter Breggin, Ginger Breggin; "2015 Scientific Paper Proves US & Chinese Scientists Collaborated to Create Coronavirus that Can Infect Humans"
worth the read, these are two of the finest Americans! heroes of mine...title: Vineet D. Menachery et al., “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence”
Breggins ask some key questions I felt should be reminded:
‘Concluding Questions:
In 2015, US researchers in collaboration with Chinese researchers from the now-infamous Wuhan Institute jointly published a paper describing how they successfully modified a bat coronavirus to make it capable of infecting humans. Their project was funded by both the Chinese and the American governments.
Who in the US government enabled this research? Why was it allowed when it was enabling the Chinese to develop a military weapon or to accidentally cause an epidemic?
Why was an FDA official involved as an author and why was NIH funding the project?
The virus created in collaboration with the Chinese and the current epidemic virus are both SARS-CoV with many shared characteristics. This writer has found no scientific research that specifically compares the two viruses, a subject that needs to be investigated.
How many more lab-created or manipulated viruses are in the world’s laboratories and under the control of governments and the military?
Are potentially dangerous research projects continuing to go on involving American and Chinese collaboration with or without funding from both countries?
Why and how has this research project wholly escaped notice amid the growing concern about China’s role in causing the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic?
Why have none of the American researchers come forward to draw attention to this project which, at the least, enabled and promoted Chinese efforts to weaponize viruses?
The Menachery et al. (2015) scientific paper was found by my wife Ginger Breggin while following scientific discussions on-line that led her to the critique in The Scientist and then to the article.’
Fauci is a liar, a traitor, and a mass murderer, both of AIDS Patients, and of COVID patients in the IS and world wide. He has many collaborators and accomplices, he and many of them should be publicly executed.#Nuremberg 2
Thank you Paul!