'Exterminate Thyself, White People! A Gala of Great Replacement Retards'; Newz you can afford to lose by WILLIAM HUNTER DUNCAN (Born on the Fourth of July substack, support)
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‘Exterminate Thyself, White People!
A Gala of Great Replacement Retards; Newz you can afford to lose
MAR 9, 2024
[editors note: all images were made with free AI image generators online, or with a simple app for editing images. Post too long for email, mostly images.]
Great Replacement Theory, we will have you know, is for racists, bigots and xenophobes. Because precipitously declining life expectancy in America (mostly white but also black and Hispanic), and the decline of the white percentage of Americans from 60% to 56% the last three years, is good for the country. Obviously, and anyone who suggests otherwise is a MAGA deplorable, white supremacist, right-wing extremist.
Canada is leading the way, in proper progressive thinking, Jester Trudeau with his WEF Covid Medal of Excellence is happy to discuss the evils of being a white colonialist.
Canada is a fore-runner in government assisted suicide, their MAID program (Medical Assistance in Dying) already 4% of all deaths in Canada, climbing exponentially, open to anyone chronically ill, infirm, drug-addicted, vaccine damaged, mentally unstable or poor - anyone, really. Considering that describes approximately 100% of the citizenry, the government and Jester Trudeau are certain it is only a matter of time before MAID accounts for 50% of deaths in Canada. Which is why immigration outstrips natural births by about 40% and climbing, while a pregnancy in Canada has a 20% chance of being aborted, paid for by the government. A full quarter of the population are immigrants. No wonder the Jester can’t be ousted. Triumph, for the planet! Climate cHaNGE!!
Just across the border here in Minnesota, our very own aspiring autocrat, Generalissimo Walz, hungry for the presidency in his down-home awe-shucks, man-child kind of way, is on the forefront of the great-culling in America. His very first Act after gaining total control of the government in 2022 (reward for his two year dictatorial, totalitarian reign during Covid), was to declare MN a trans refuge state, for sterilizing and sexually mutilating the kiddies. Nearly his next act was to sign a bill allowing abortion on-demand, at any time during the pregnancy and presumably immediately after. Because nothing says progressive like modern eugenics. His next plan is to turn Minnesota into an illegal migrant refuge state, because ever expanding government needs assistance preying upon the citizenry. His other priority, modeled after Canada, our very own MAID program. Too many elderly white Minnesotans taking up space that could be filled with illiterate migrants on the public dole.
In public Bill Gate’s has come to think of himself as the Emperor Palpatine, though techie as he is, he’s been pensive, forlorn even, he can’t quite figure out how to get energy to fling out of his (twisted) fingers, to spite the anti-vaxxers.
Lucky for Sorcerer Bill, in private he can summon the most devilish parts of himself, to pick the best prospective mRNA gene manipulations to match the best possible bioweapons. Because nothing since the advent of war has been so lucrative and best for population control as bioweapons and “vaccines.” He is quite certain global population could be easily reduced by half, by 2030. It doesn’t really matter which half, in the grand scheme of deciding the fate of humanity.
Dept of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas was recently discovered to be a gremlin, living under a bridge near Eagle Pass, Texas. With his speedy, diminutive size and preternatural, nay magical, speed and strength, he is able to skirt across the border south by night, undetected, delivering gold and precious jewels under the pillows of cartel lords and Obrador in the Capital. Otherwise during the day, as he hardly needs to sleep, he enjoys mucking up the infrastructure/works of border control, and setting up the infrastructure to spy on and censor Americans.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been working with the ‘yorkas gremlin and assorted similar gremlins globally, setting up camps around the world, facilitating the transfer of illiterate and some inherently violent migrants and mercenaries, to turn Europe and North America into reflections of the southern hemisphere third world. For equity. That thing that appears like a crayon at his elbow is a synthetic mRNA nuclear powered mainline, accounting for his rich if ogre-like color. Rich because he volunteered to test the technology planned for everyone globally, and of course for his facility causing chaos.
Soros the Hutt has a new toy, this time an enthusiastic one, unlike that wretched dissident extremist, Leia. As a team they have managed to put a pretty face on the destruction of city life and the anarcho-tyranny shock-doctrine that has been social-justice and defund the police. Taking a cue from regime change orthodoxy of neoliberals and neocons, unleash the Kraken of no-consequences, grossly expanding the presence of governments and their handmaiden NGO’s, breaking down the populace until they will accept a China-like intervention, not least supported by actual chinamen, military aged, streaming across the borders by the hundreds of thousands - welcome to your new technocratic State.
In the UK, the unelected Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, was quietly coronated after the death of Queen Elizabeth, usurping Charles and William.
In a kind of reverse-Lawrence of Arabia, with the Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, many a Muslim mayor and Councillor across England, a kind of reverse-colonialism, Muslim colonialism; spanning the EU? In much of Europe and in America, migrant men preying upon young native (white) women, Neo-colonialist, Neo-globalist, justice of the oppressed, “that’s just the new way of things”?
Ursula Von der Leyen, 13th Secretary-General of the European Union, leaning into the number, has been dressing as a Hollywood witch, wandering the wood, casting black magic spells across Europe, facilitating a Muslim and African replacement of native populations, to the cheers of social democrats and greens in every quasi-nation. Sensing a backlash of right-wing extremist disinformation, she has been preparing to salt the earth wherever the migrant invasion is dis-allowed.
Au Couture WEF Klaus Schwab grew a horn, his mRNA mainline having an unintended consequence, bursting through his Se’zane faux-luddite cap. Leopard/alligator print sleeve, (mRNA) finger bling regardless, OMG, how am I going to continue as the face of the Great Reset? But then we have succeeded in the psy-op that is trans, and biden, so why not horns?
Doctour Anthony Fauchee’ is retired now, but he cannot help himself with the masking, mockery of his image as the greatest and most prolific mass murderer of all time. He particularly appreciates the effect on small children, though a close second is the reaction of MAGA. Once the mask became endemic, he had to have the grim reaper cape, and the wilting crucifix sta’ve. No one, not least Dr Fauchee, can explain the trail of fire he leaves everywhere he goes. He may not have run afoul of God as yet, but local burning restrictions have unfortunately limited his egress.
Leviathan WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus took ten-times the recommended dose of mRNA, until then not realizing he had a taste for human flesh with a casing of neoprene, like a sausage. His only regret is, people only mostly swim in the shallows and then without neoprene. Subsisting on killer whales however, has only increased his hunger for mRNA for every illness under the sun, and unlimited Pandemic powers. Who could possibly have imagined a mere bureaucrat becoming a Leviathan and a global totalitarian? While he was concerned the new WHO Pandemic Treaty would not have teeth, as a Leviathan he is no longer worried about that at all.
WK Kellogg CEO Gary Pilnick, not content that people were only getting a helping of highly processed grains and glyphosate in the morning, assured America the cure for financial difficulties is two helpings, morning and evening, with a side of exacerbated chronic illness.
Only a few understand how much WK Kellogg CEO Gary Pilnick likes to bathe in rainbow colored cereal and milk. Because what modern capitalist wouldn’t when it is that lucrative?
Hence the glyphosate. mRNA damaged writers of White Rural Rage!!! Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman.
Don’t you know, the only racism that exists in America is white rural people hating everybody? Some have suggested racism can include urban white people hating rural white people who don’t accept the liberal globalist project. Never mind Black/Hispanic racism, Black/Asian, Black/African, Hispanic/Asian, Indigenous/everybody else, Muslim/Jews, Muslim/everybody else, White “highly educated” hating everybody less than. White, urbane man-boys talking about white rural racism who have never met any rural white people, can’t possibly be wrong, even if they can be impossibly smug.
The picture of mental and physical health that is HHS under-secretary Dick Levine, not content to butcher the privates of ever more children across America, not content to be one of the first beneficiaries of mRNA technology, went for the moon shot.
Missing a leg, because cutting off one of the first three had consequences, it was close-enough to what he wanted. It is instructive that in Greek mythology, in the dawn of the West, Chiron the centaur was the god of hunting and healing, while every other centaur was a mindless beast prone to epic and unaccountable violence. With his predilection for butchery, Dick Levine turned out to be no Chiron.
Democratic members of Congress, the most diverse in history, want you to know, if you are white and you will not bow before the god of Progress and the idol of DEI, then you are evil incarnate and scheduled for anti-racist, neo-colonization/cancellation/damnation.
For those most intransigent, CIA spawn, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, will soon have a new mRNA intervention for every illness under the sun, but especially for skeptics.
Though what is clear on the surface is not necessarily what lies underneath.
There is always redemption.
But this is like epic pathology mirrored in two parts, a most clear sign of the dual madness of the time:
So, in the spirit of self extermination to save-the-planet and assuage white self-hatred,
make a mockery instead and live for a better day.’
Exterminate your SELF hell?? By immolation?
Why not take a 100 big-pharma king-pins out with you??
It is sickening…🤮