Fauci said what? "It's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullsh*t, and they get vaccinated.” So this criminal bitch Fauci who treated
NOT one COVID patient, a technocrat, FAUCI para said this "once people feel empowered and protected...legally, you will have schools, colleges say you want to come here, you gonna get vaccinated
Big corporations like Amazon & Facebook etc. will say you get vaccinated to work here to work for us…its been proven that when you make it difficult in their lives around have to take vaccination, they lose their ideological bullshit…we make it hard, we will make sure the ideological bullshit will not get in the way…making it hard for people to live with no vaccination”…para
Go minute 2.47…
Now the little bitch Fauci says para ‘its not what I really meant’…
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Well, after my university had me coming in as “essential personnel” during 2020 while other employees, who were afraid of getting Covid-19 at work, were allowed to sit on their healthy asses at home using their sick pay, they didn’t allow me, after they changed “vaccine” use from voluntary to compulsory in late 2021, to use my over 707 hours of accrued sick pay to stay at home safe from their deadly viral mRNA products. Instead, they fired me from my 20 year job and kept my 707 hours of accrued sick pay. The only ideological bullshit involved was A. their forcing over 1300 employees, after Biden’s OSHA lost the employer mandated vaccination case in the Supreme Court and Biden told employers just to ignore the Court, to get shot up or get fired and B. doing so to me after 12 years of the university stealing my overtime.
Demon Fauci for the firing squad. Crimes against humanity.