For Trump-Harris debate, POTUS Trump must 1)cross the stage & offer to shake her hands 2)she will call you DONALD out of disrespect, when she does, call her Kamla, not KAMALA out of disrespect 3)do
not pound her or disrespect but if she does, then return it each time 4)if she insults your father for she knows you protect him, then call out her predator rapist husband Emhoff each time 5) e.g.
ask her what happened to the baby? if she calls you a predator, call out her predator husband each time 6) be prepared to name each American teen raped and murdered by illegals due to her, and name the man who she incarcerated wrongfully and the ones she let out who then killed…in California 7)if she says ‘I am speaking’ tell her ‘yes I know but you are talking complete nonsense and the nation want serious debate this is why we are here…but that won’t happen for it is not open mike but be prepared that the moderators would keep it open ‘ACCIDENTLY’ just once for her to get that in…8)SHE WILL try to get under 45’s skin for is dumb and is not preparing technical issues, she is preparing how to insult him to get a rise and will call him convicted felon, abuser…so each time, invoke her husband…each time…that he seemingly may have raped someone…ask the nanny’s age when she got pregnant…ask her if it was rape? ask her if that case came to her as a prosecutor, would she prosecute it as rape? 9)this entire debate will be PERSONAL…10) assume they gave her the questions…and she had canned answers.
Remember, you are going after the INDEPENDENTS…do not show the contempt you have for her as you rightly do as she is part of the trying to imprison you etc. step back…do not be overly aggressive…soften your posture but stand looking forward and when she speaks turn to listen to her…
above all, focus on the breach of the borders and how another 4 years will destroy USA…ask the voters point blank like this, ‘do you like breached borders and rapists and killing taking out your wives and daughters? do you like the high inflation? do you like the crashed economy? the elevated Cost of living? do you want a Russia-Ukraine nuclear war? do you like transgender surgeries for your children? do you like men going into little girls’ bathrooms?, do you want you 2nd amendment stripped away and guns taken? do you want COVID vaccines and similar mandated on you?’ then if you do, if you say YES to all these, vote for her.
I am not sure about returning disrespect or responding in any way to personal comments. Surely that is exactly the trap they will be setting for Trump to make it all about personality and not about policies. Wouldn't it be far better if Trump simply rebuffed any personal attacks by calmly suggested a grown up conversation about policy decisions affecting the American people should be the focus of the debate.
Oh I think you’re missing more important aspects of her dangerous life. I only saw this store once but she allowed abortion drs to SELL aborted baby parts. When an undercover Dr had these demon drs on video selling parts and laughing with names dates and places, she turned around and arrested the reporter for invasion of privacy! She let the abortion drs continue buying and selling even live baby parts which are more expensive and there are laws against this. Also she had victims of sexual abuse cases and it was all set to go when she came in and did nothing. The victims called and emailed but she did nothing on the cases. She always protects the perpetrators. Never the true victims.