Hang them high, the elites who rape children in America, call them out, beat them mercilessly first, suffer them, then hang them high! American boxer Ryan Garcia Says He Watched Bohemian Grove ‘Elites
rape little children..' VNN, and you want forgiveness? You want me to admire you piece of shit fecal matter, you elites, you 'special' people, many of you are high level government officials, congress
members, senators, MPs in Canada, UK etc., MPPs, ministers, these sick bastards, use their positions of power to sodomize boys and they rape little girls too…I say suffer them, then hang them…
what is that you say? do they get a fair trial? I say NO. Trannies too if they rape little children and it is bullet proof verified.
But that’s just me. Pedophiles, no.
Excellent reporting by VNN…
Pro Boxer Says He Watched Bohemian Grove ‘Elites’ Rape Children in the Woods – Vigilant News Network
Alfred Kinsey was one of the main influences that encouraged the sexualization of little children
Paul, earlier this evening Badlands Media had a two hour live stream about JUST THIS. PizzaGate.
It is real, and we were all called "conspiracy theorists" back in 2017 and 2018 when we exposed it. A lot of it also came out with the Wikileaks Podesta emails.
DC has been, and is, filthy with child rapists and murderers. And it is all related to satanic sacrifice.