MAGA overlord? Lol.

The MAGA hat wearers I know are common blue-collar workers who mind their own business but got sick of the high taxes. Blessed are the meek.

Leftists despise them because they are humble, work hard, love God, families, and country.

Not proud, lazy and self-absorbed.

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Lost touch with reality?

How can any sane person exist when the government writes and re-writes our reality for us? We are living a dystopian horror

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Is it possible that the anti gun lobby is finding these disaffected kids on social media and paying them to commit these crimes? How can kids with no money buy expensive weapons and vehicles? Something here does not smell right. The kid in Tx who killed children and teachers had no $$’s and yet he had a expensive vehicle and weapon. How did he come to own these?

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I am still dealing with lock down in my profession. Part of it has been of benefit for me as I am now even better able to see the lies the legacy media has been hoisting on society.

I do not drink, smoke, take intoxicants and try to live as healthily as possible. So what is my reward? The more I cleanse the less I fit into the cess pool. For this I am in a way grateful, but I also have bills to pay. As I reach my retirement age, I will need another job. How will I train for this job? What will it be?

They are now pushing to get people to join the stab campaign, which is the exact opposite of my cleansing. These stabs are designed to pollute one spiritually and if one partakes in this campaign one will not be able to live with One”s self, which is another goal of big Pharma.

This evil big Pharma campaign must be stopped and it must be gutted down to its allopathic roots. It must be replaced with holistic living and therapies, with technocracy complementing it, not subverting it.

Evil always subverts. This is the problem of Evil. It can never cooperate, but instead, takes over and destroys. Everything it touches it destroys.

Big Pharma is Evil in its full form!!!

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Yes. All dots connect. But Those running this show deny responsibility for the dots THEY so negligently (and, remember: negligence is a tort ~ the unlawful creation of unsafe circumstances which result in future harms) create.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

He's a the perfected tragic example of a useful idiot. How was he cultivated? Who cultivated him?

Tragedies like this are selected for; i.e., natural selection in real time.

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Plus many disturbed minds from many causes.

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The common theme of all these mass murderers IS they're COPYCAT KILLERS who do it for the INSTANT FAME! If we could BAN the media from making them FAMOUS (ie no showing their face/name) then we would see a radical DECREASE in these mass shooting by COPYCAT KILLERS seeking INSTANT FAME!

This is the #1 best solution to actually solve this problem!

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Don’t forget Canada’s biggest mass shooting that happened in April 2020 by a crazy for whom Lockdown was the tipping point.

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Wonder if he had a Daniel Defense AR-15?

Curious they haven't to my knowledge told us about the gun.

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I know a girl. Beautiful, kind, sweet. All but 15/16. She babysat my children. They loved her. Covid happened. Her parents isolated her. Made her stay in her room. She couldn’t see friends. Sat on her computer for school. She was always such a social girl.

She had no outlet to express her creativity, her youthfulness…I watched her turn from the girl we once knew to a young woman who works at hooters and posts what i consider extremely inappropriate pictures and never even said another word to my children. When we moved to get away from hell (California), she barely said bye, banned my husband from her Instagram account (we aren’t really sure why. Did she know what she was doing was wrong?) and I’m sure not doing so great now. So tragically sad.

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You can go back even earlier than lockdowns. Think of the lost of opportunity for the lower to middle classes since corporations shifted their manufacturing overseas under NFTA. There is a sustained effort to wreck America and keep success beyond the reach of most worldwide.

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Lost touch with reality — not at all clear what reality might be in this case, assuming this is the guy (seems so). He was declared a white supremacist q anon Trump supporter based on a photo of him dressed as Waldo from Where’s Waldo, with some Trump rally guys in the background. Seemed strange and photobomb-esque. There was a photo of him somewhere wearing a (trophy?) Trump banner as a cape. Could a screwed up individual capable of shooting to kill a largely white audience in a patriotic July 4th parade been capable of causing mischief at a Trump ralley in the past? Does a photo of that individual wearing apparent riot gear with a camera mount helmet mean he’s antifa? When, I don’t know, said organization may have been soliciting violence on July 4 in particular? Maybe we find out, but expecting we don’t.

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Please explain what Marijuana does to humans. The use of Marijuana is on a rise as now it is legal therefore, most people assume its ok. Sativa usually picks you up and Indica usually chills you out. Men/women differ?

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Since about 95% of the school shooters were on psychotropic drugs and under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist they need to waive secrecy and patient/physician privacy laws and allow the expert to alert authorities of great harm that could be inflicted. my view. See: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/mental-derangement-ii

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