HOLD your horses POTUS TRUMP (45) & your critical VP pick, ADD MAYOR DEB ROGERS to your short list & here's why: TRUMP’S VP PICK…MAYOR DEB…PENNSYLVANIA PATRIOT
Why I think Mayor Deb should be on the short list of contenders for Vice President (VP) to POTUS Trump in 2024.
Trump’s VP list is out (subject to change of course) and every politico is a self-anointed expert on who 45 should choose as his VP. The list reads like a ‘Who’s Who in Politics’…Burgum, Cotton, Rubio, Scott, Stefanik and Vance. Different names, different states with one thing in common. They wreak of being all career politicians. Big time. All part of the establishment. I like many of these short listers (again, subject to change) and yes, it is useful for persons to have some background in politics and ideally to have governed (run a state). Yet this VP pick is different for this person must be able to take control in the event 45 is harmed (and the left, democrats, the deepstate are well capable of harming him to STOP him) and be able to serve for 4 to 8 more years. To be elected. 45’s VP pick now is different, not the usual run of the mill.
Hearken back to 2016 and look at why America loved 45? I’ll tell you why and it is because 45 was a ‘political outsider’…anti-establishment. 45 was raw…one of us. 45 epitomized The American Dream.
Many people have asked me the question, “Dr. Paul, who do you think should be 45’s VP pick?” As a politico myself…drumroll please…my VP pick for 45 is Mayor Deb Rogers. Affectionately nicknamed “Mayor Deb” in 2020 when she spoke out against COVID mandates, while serving as Mayor of the Village of Williamsville. As a conservative, she served behind enemy lines, in the heart of Western New York, a Democrat stronghold controlling well over 60% of the vote.
So, I am asking POTUS Trump to slow his roll as he decides on the VP and add Mayor Deb to the list as his team vets.
Mayor Deb was born and raised within a middle-class family in the heart of Pennsylvania. Johnstown, a city rich in ethnicity, built upon the coal mine and steel industries. A state nicknamed “The Keystone State” because it sat in the middle of the original thirteen colonies, and held a key position in the economic, social, and political development of the United States. Today, PA holds the “key” to The White House. In fact, ABC News political director Rick Klein described PA as the tipping point. “More so than any other state, it ends up being the vital one to powering a victory.” Trump must win Pennsylvania! Put clearly, if Trump wins Pennsylvania, he most assuredly wins the Presidency! This is where Mayor Deb will be critical! To helping him bring home PA.
We can take no chances and Mayor Deb will help take home PA for 45 and even help ensure it is not ‘stolen’ and that there is no voter mischief by democrats etc. (if 45 loses PA, he will not win the election). Mayor Deb brings the gravitas, the intellect, the broad understanding of the core issues locally and internationally, the leadership, and American patriotism to hold the VP slot and even lead. I say she is matched to all I see now on the VP list. She is a woman (a ‘real’ woman) and it is time for the Republican party to serve up a female VP who can go onto be become POTUS. It is not a gender issue, not a woke issue, not a ‘check that box issue’, but a credibility and competence issue and capacity issue. Women can do equal and even a more superior job at POTUS and we need someone there who can take the wheel in these tumultuous times especially in ensuring our borders are protected, that wokeism and transgender does not DEFINE what America is, that our military remains the most lethal fighting force on this God’s earth, a force for good ONLY, and that family is advanced. I have confidence in Mayor Deb. I hope these are NOT the only options 45 is considering (the names floating in media).
One need only goggle search “Mayor Deb Rogers” to witness the grit…the moxie. She quickly became a target for the leftist, lockdown-loving lunatics, the mask mandating, tyrannical government reminiscent of 1940’s Germany. She dared to speak out against vaccine mandates, mask mandates, lockdowns and school closures while most elected officials remained silent. She spoke out against the New York state isolation and quarantine law.
As a reminder, the isolation and quarantine law was actually calling for concentration camps for New Yorkers who were deemed a public health threat by the Department of Health Commissioner. They can remove you, your child, your parent from their home with only a "suspected" case of a list of diseases. It's a crazy law that is currently being appealed in the courts. And she stood up against it.
She had the discernment to see through the propaganda that was forced upon the American people. And if you’ve been paying attention to the ‘now’ admissions of both Fauci and ex-CDC Chief Redfield (as to the 6-foot social distancing ‘made up’ policy, the failure of masks, the over-reach of lockdowns, the harms of the vaccine etc.) you realize just how right she was. Mayor Deb was/is a critical thinker as I have had many discussions with her and quickly understood where she stood and her fierce love of America, its flag, PA, law and order and her grasp of the technical issues (or lack of) surrounding COVID.
‘Rogers says after almost two years, people should be allowed to make decisions on their own.
“At some point, we need to just allow individuals the freedom to choose where their comfort level is and to make that choice that is appropriate for both themselves and their families,” Mayor Rogers said.’
Importantly, Mayor Deb is a patriot. She is the epitome of courage, grace and truth. She calls it like she sees it, no matter what might ensue…a warrior.
God willing, 45’s VP pick will be one with integrity, courage and wisdom. One who will uphold the Constitution of the United States. One who exemplifies the American Dream. One who is willing to serve the people of the United States with common sense and critical thinking. One who is not part of ‘the establishment’ or a career politician. One who stands alongside “We the People”. One who puts America first. One who will shine the light of truth and freedom, no matter the risk. A catalyst in the war to save America. One, none other than the Pennsylvania Patriot aka Mayor Deb. It is imperative that POTUS Trump look seriously at outstanding people like Mayor Deb as he makes his decision.
God Bless 45 and God Bless Mayor Deb.
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One of the things that made Trump a *LOSER* during his 1st term was the large number of Globalist swamp creatures he Trump selected/appointed. For example, Trump selected Pence as his VP - a decision that many of us knew from the first day was deadly wrong for our country in general. But then, if my hypothesis is correct --- HYPOTHESIS: Trump is actually one of 'them' --- then Trump knew EXACTLY what he was doing in support of the Globalist agenda. He is playing his role to a 'T'.
Trump selected/appointed the criminals that helped to loot and destroy the USA as never before, and to ready us for the total Globalist takeover. Remember Steve Mnuchin, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Fauci, and the rest of the filthy gang known as the Trump Administration? Remember Operation Warp Speed? Remember locking down the entire country over a 'flu'? Remember the Banking for All Act to make us ready for the Central Bank Cabal? It'll be DECADES before we recover from that, if we ever do.
Fast forward to today and tomorrow. If my hypothesis is correct, then here's what I'm expecting to see. I'm expecting that ONCE AGAIN Trump will select/appoint many Globalist swamp creatures who will assist him in the destruction of these United States of America - what's left of it.
I hope and pray that my hypothesis is wrong. We won't have to wait very long to see.
Mayor Deb sounds pretty great although I’ve never heard of her before this article.
But my pick would have to be Lt Col. Allen West. He is brilliant, capable, and unmatchable.
Dr. Paul Alexander would also be another great choice…