'HORROR SHOW Life Insurance Data: a clear 40% Surge in Mortality Trend in the 18-64 Age Group'; stack scholarship by 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD
From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the "Vaccinated" & The Global Depopulation Program
…and now we have addition conformation that the democidal depopulation program is accelerating:
Charts from the above X post:
Let us reiterate the admission based on the painfully obvious trends in the above charts:
"The mortality trend was so stark that OneAmerica announced deaths in its group life business had risen a full 40% in the 18-64 age group, a trend that began in the second half of 2021 and continued through the remainder."
—Tim Bischof, chief actuary at OneAmerica
And the low-grade attempt to dismiss these trends by ascribing blame to PSYOP-19 is easily debunked:
The toxin-like effect is due to the toxic slow kill bioweapons, not limited to their cytotoxic spike protein (SP 2) payloads.
Readers of this Substack knew the why years ago.
And readers of this Substack also know full well that these “vaccine”-induced excess deaths from cardiac damage and turbo cancers may be attenuated, and even cured…
Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer
DOXYCYCLINE and CANCER: At Least 12 Anti-Cancer Mechanisms of Action
EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH BOMBSHELL: Possible Treatment Approach for Management of Post-COVID Vaccination Myocarditis
OCT 24
And the attempted financial sleight of hand and fantasy narratives…
…rudely collide with the inexorable payout reality.
They want you dead, and the actuaries are paying out for said deaths of the healthiest and most productive members of society (i.e. 18-64 year olds) like never before in history.’
I have been screaming about this more than 2 years when Scot Davidson, CEO of One America Life Insurance Company spoke about a 40% increase in one year after the mandated JAB was enforced! Scott said, a 40% increase in life insurance payout’s is an 800 year cataclysmic event! His words not mine. From that one statement these JABS should have been banned! But NOOOOOOO, the evil people needed to make more money and murder more people!!! No apologies! No nothing from anyone about this! As a suggestion to Ed Dowd, maybe crunch the numbers on how many lives would have been saved if “SILENCE” ended? I can only imagine how many lives and families and disabled people would be more than thankful for this information back then! Now, colleges are still enforcing the “POISON JAB” to return and or participate in college! How damn evil these people are! They do not give a damn about human life! No, not at all! There’s a myriad of studies, reports, you name it available explaining the DANGERS! Has humanity lost its blanking mind? Good God had mankind become so enthralled with the dollar that human life is irrelevant? If I can do research so can most anyone! This damn “GENE MODIFICATION JAB” if you survive it, has been documented and has been SHOUTED BY PRESTIGIOUS DOCTORS saying, “THEY’RE NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN USE”!!!!! Does anyone think this is made up Bull crap? For your information, IT ISN’T!!!! So finally life insurance companies are finally part of the,”DON’T TAKE ANOTHER JAB”! dialogue, thank God! Let’s pray how well MSM covers this issue! May God bless America and the entire world!
I always wondered how the life insurance companies (and the companies that insure the life insurance companies) would get around the fact they might all go broke paying out massively higher policies ... years before they expected to.
But the "work-around" wasn't that hard - just massively raise insurance rates on every person to cover the difference. And - don't talk about it.
Protect the herd. Stay a member of the club ... at all costs.