How Sweden (Malmo) became the brutal RAPE and violence capital of Europe, among Scandinavia, due to MERKEL's illegal migrants, the North African & Middle Eastern 6th century medieval beasts
It is IN America, not COMING to America, no, Obama & Biden ensured it is here & set, funeral pyres set, gang rape, murders, stabbings set, remember my substacks when they do
I warn again, the islamist jihadist now inside USA, Bush, then Obama flooded USA with these feral banal islamic beasts, 6th century thinking, and they have now grown to critical mass due to Biden up from Southern Border and using the visa waiver program. There will be mass killings, terror attacks, rapes, murders in US coming soon and the law enforcement knows full well what is coming.
Ensure you get your legal firearm and learn how to manage it, store it, and shoot to kill when your life is in danger at the hands of the Middle Eastern, Saharan, North African islamic jihadists beasts Obama and Biden brought for you, mixed in with the Latino thug gangster murder rapist…
‘Expert warns Sweden on 'brink of civil war' as country gripped by migrant violence’
‘Sweden, the rape capital of Europe’
‘For example, in Sweden—the rape capital of Europe—studies continue to reveal that migrants, mostly from North Africa, the Middle East, and Muslim sub-Sahara, account for the overwhelming majority of rapes, as captured by the following headline: “Report: 9 in 10 Gang Rapists In Sweden Have Foreign Origins.” Writes Raymond Ibrahim
Four Muslim migrants from North Africa gang-raped a 36-year-old woman on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, after she stopped to ask how she could help them. According to the March 3 report:
The alleged victim is believed to have lived on the Canary Islands, whereas the suspects are thought to have arrived only recently on a boat…. [T]hey were given initially government-provided accommodations managed by the Red Cross but later kicked out for breaking the rules. They are then thought to have set up camp in the park [pictured above] where the woman was allegedly attacked after enquiring about their situation. The woman had asked if she could help them with anything, but within ‘a matter of seconds’ this had led to her being assaulted…’
Sweden, the rape capital of Europe - BLiTZ (
I highlight for we in USA, are about to become we have our 2nd and we will need to show these animals what being American is all about when life is threatened.
arm your daughters and ensure she can shoot to kill if life threatened.
Back in the 90s, maybe even earlier, because the populations of European countries were growing at such a small rate, mostly Muslim foreign workers from North Africa, the Middle East and around the Med were brought in as guest workers.
They were only supposed to stay for a year at a time.
Instead, they began to bring their multiple wives and children into Denmark and other Northern European countries, took advantage of the socialized welfare and help, and ended up staying, causing all the problems around Paris, Copenhagen, Malmo, Berlin, London, you name it.
The governments of these countries, instead of sending them all back where they came from, let them stay.
They have intention of assimilating and becoming upright citizens or residents.
Instead they create crimes and violence and terrorism.
People who worked all their lives so they could retire on a decent pension found these people were getting more money and benefits than they were.