"H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986"; this is the Act that must be repealed, this is enabling Act that allowed CDC's ACIP to move to put COVID vax on child immunization schedule
Act came about after people were harmed by DPT vaccine in 1970s or so & functioned to limit or prevent vaccine makers being held accountable. PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators
I have to study this Act properly yet it is troubling on first blush for basically it limits claims by injured persons.
Portions of the Act that stand out and you should reflect upon as to how we are here and vaccine makers can have no liability and bolstered by the PREP Act signed by Azar in February March or so of 2020, absolving Pfizer and Moderna and CDC and all such players from any liability if they, the vaccinee, gets harmed or die from any COVID vaccine, drug etc:
PUBLIC LAW 99–660—NOV. 14, 1986 100 STAT. 3759
“(2)(A) No person may bring a civil action for damages in an amount greater than $1,000 or in an unspecified amount against a vaccine manufacturer in a State or Federal court for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after the effective date of this subtitle, and no such court may award damages in an amount greater than $1,000 in a civil action for damages for such a vaccine-related injury or death, unless—
“(3) No vaccine manufacturer may be made a party to a civil action (other than a civil action which may be brought under paragraph (2)) for damages for a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after the effective date of this subtitle.
The text of the PREP Act is shocking. Paying all the vaccine makers up front (save one) (billions$) was also a huge mistake Trump et al. made in Operation Warp Speed. The tax payer was the only persons on the hook. Failed vaccine was just going to be dumped safely. All were paid up front knowing most, billions was going down the loo. Vaccine makers had ZERO risk. It is the PREP Act (to follow) to me that is the devastating step taken by Azar et al. in February or so in 2020 that basically gave liability protection to all in the COVID response, except those subject to the polices and actions:
Why is health a federal issue? Different parts of the country have different climates, different income levels, and different attitudes towards cleanliness. Should this not be a state level issue? If I am right, this act needs to be repealed on that basis alone.
We must create a National campaign, a VIRAL Twitter #, billboards, and whatever else it will take to shout this from the rooftops: #Repeal 1986 NCVIA