Huge praise for India! 'LUNAR LANDING India’s perilous Moon mission a SUCCESS as country becomes first to land near the mysterious south pole'; major move, love it, India keeps China in check
we need her! Good people, keeps Pakistan in check too! India calms the middle east and the nuclear dreams of madmen! I got east indian in me mother's side, & I love it, black, middle east, cuban in me
INDIA’S historic attempt to land lunar spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 on the moon's south pole has been successful today
It marks a major step forward in the search for water-based ice, which scientists believe is key to future human habitation on the Moon.’
They are putting a call center on the moon, that's why they went there.
Seriously?! If you know Covid was a hoax and believe the Apollo moon landings were real you are just beginning your wake the heck up journey.